Macron sends the NFP (and Castets) back to the ropes

The New Popular Front will be able to continue to animate the fair of great nonsense, by claiming a victory that does not exist. Useful reminder from Emmanuel Macron during his interview: the first party in the National Assembly is the RN. The NFP coalition – an aggregation of four left-wing parties –, although it hammers home that it is in the majority, is about a hundred votes short of reaching an absolute majority. In a media-political hubbub orchestrated by the NFP, stirring up fantasies and untruths, a sort of Trumpist narrative with a Mélenchon sauce, Emmanuel Macron at least had the merit of closing the doors of Matignon to him. Without aggression, but clinically, the President listed the impostures of the NFP with precision.

The NFP won 7 million votes, divided between four coalition political parties. As such, should we treat RN deputies as “deputies” ? It is “a lack of civility”reestablishes Emmanuel Macron. How could the youngest member of the National Assembly, even if elected under the colours of the RN, be less worthy of the position than a Thomas Portes who proudly proclaims anti-Semitic innuendos, without arousing the slightest disapproval from an Olivier Faure, in his capacity as First Secretary of the PS (!)? Would this amount to part of the left excluding from the Assembly voters who chose the RN ballot, often out of anger, a feeling of abandonment, more than out of support for the Vichy regime?! In doing so, the Insoumis, part of the environmentalists and the socialists continue to ignore a working-class, salaried electorate, whose struggles the left of Jaurès once nourished. What a betrayal!

“The majority lost, but no one won.”

Arithmetically it is indisputable. The logical consequence drawn by Emmanuel Macron leads to sweeping away the fantasy sold by the NFP of a vote of adhesion to its ideas. “The whole program, nothing but the program.” No. The French parties, bottle-fed on the majority, do not envisage exercising power in any other way than by crushing the opposition. Arithmetically, it is impossible. The situation calls for lazy parties, obsessed with their own interests, to break out of a comfortable logic and demonstrate inventiveness. Gee! We might as well ask Olivier Faure to make his revolution by going from Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s doormat to First Secretary of the PS… Er, correction, I am told that he is First Secretary of the PS…

“The French are sending the message of a need for authority: firmer justice, juvenile delinquents, control of immigration.”

France is on the right. This is a reality, once again, that the New Popular Front denies with a consistency that borders on blindness. Can we recall, at the risk of rivaling the outrageousness of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Aymeric Caron or Sophia Chikirou, or the cowardice of Olivier Faure, that all these tribunes of agit-prop couldn’t care less about the general interest? The youngest senator in France in his time, constantly paid by the wet nurse of the Republic from mandate to mandate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who only travels in business and lives in the chic districts of Paris, has never encountered the France of work other than by spending an hour on a platform in front of the cameras at the Whirlpool factory! Swept away by Marine Le Pen in Hénin-Beaumont in 2012, by a population that had counted on the left for so long to escape poverty, Mélenchon, vexed, abandoned them, leaving them his arrogance and his contempt as a souvenir.

How can he consciously believe that the working classes are behind him?

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The left not only abandoned these populations to their fate, but it deliberately deserted the subjects of insecurity, immigration and fear of downgrading. Were Sophia Chikirou, Louis Boyard, Aymeric Caron interested in these French people? Did they choose to fight the RN in constituencies abandoned by the left where the RN thrives? No. Paris, the Paris region. And the cult of the ego, the spotlight of the news channel sets, wielding excess and provocation dressed up in intellectual arguments, sending journalists back to their mediocrity. What harm these people do to politics…

“Do not undo what has been beneficial.”

Here again, Emmanuel Macron has made a clarification based on facts. Figures. François Hollande had converted the left to supply-side policy by granting 40 billion euros in tax relief to businesses, via the CICE. A path pursued by Emmanuel Macron who took the risk of massively reducing corporate taxation. A bet won. Unemployment has fallen massively, net job creation in the private sector is on a lasting trend, France’s attractiveness in Europe for investors dominates that of our neighbors.

For the rest, the president mentions the need for “work that pays better”, “more accessible public services”. The social question is not ruled out, but it will not be penalized by a reversal of a long-term policy guaranteeing stability to businesses, the main creators of jobs.

As a watermark of the clinical description of the political situation, Emmanuel Macron recalled a fact that, again, seems to have escaped the NFP: it is the President of the Republic who appoints the Prime Minister, taking into account the balance of power in the National Assembly. For several weeks, the left has been imposing a rereading of the Institutions, inducing that the parties govern. This is neither the spirit nor the letter of the Fifth Republic.

But this being reestablished, it is up to Emmanuel Macron to take his risk. It is up to him to find the right Prime Minister who will be able, with the support of a coalition government, to form a majority in the National Assembly. On a minimal pact: the budget, a few sovereign laws, on which the deputies will have to position themselves in conscience, under the gaze of those who elected them.



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