Macron calls on China to put pressure on Russia

Macron calls on China to put pressure on Russia


French President Emmanuel Macron sees China’s involvement in peace efforts as a good thing, while German Chancellor Scholz has praised China for condemning the use of nuclear weapons, but both leaders want China to do more. China’s ambassador to the EU said that he is “very optimistic” regarding the recovery of China-EU relations, suggesting that there will be frequent exchanges of high-level visits between China and the EU.

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) China issued a statement on February 24, the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.12-point statement on “China’s position on a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis”called for urgent peace talks, and mentioned that the sovereignty of all countries should be respected and unilateral sanctions should be stopped.

French President Macron said at a public event on Saturday (February 25): “The fact that China is participating in peace efforts is a good thing,” while announcing that he will visit China in early April.

Macron also told Beijing “don’t give Russia any weapons”, urging China to “help us put pressure on Russia to make sure it never uses chemical or nuclear weapons” to end the war in Ukraine. He stressed that peace will be possible only if “Russia stops its aggression, withdraws its troops, and Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty and Ukrainian people are respected”.

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no russian style dictatorial peace

German Chancellor Scholz has reservations regarding China. During a visit to the Indian capital New Delhi on Saturday, the Social Democratic Party politician mentioned that the document presented by China “has both light and shadow”, and he believes that some things mentioned in it are very correct, such as the condemnation of the use of nuclear weapons once more. However, in Scholz’s view, the document does not explicitly mention that Russia must withdraw its troops.

Scholz emphasized that it is important to have a peace with fairness and justice, not a “Russian-style dictatorial peace”, especially Russian President Vladimir Putin must also be aware of this.

Beijing has so far tried to position itself as a neutral party in the conflict, but at the same time maintains close ties with its strategic ally Russia. In addition, regarded as Russia’s accomplices in waging war — Belarusian President Lukashenko will also visit China from February 28 to March 2. Lukashenko is a close ally of Putin and the Belarusian government has allowed Moscow to use its territory to launch an invasion of Ukraine.

High-level exchanges between Europe and China will usher in frequent exchanges of visits

Fu Cong, Chinese ambassador to the EU, said in an exclusive interview with the Chinese official media Global Times this week: China and the EU have different positions on the Ukraine issue, and it is “very irrational” for the EU to blame China on the Ukraine issue. China does not want the Ukraine issue to affect the development of China-EU relations. “The EU should avoid being too emotional in handling the Ukraine issue.”

European Council President Michel visited China last December and met with Xi Jinping

However, despite facing some problems, Fu Cong said that he is “very optimistic” regarding the recovery of Sino-EU relations. He mentioned to the Global Times that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President Michel may visit China in the first half of this year, and other high-level consultation mechanisms between China and the EU will resume soon. Usher in “frequent high-level mutual visits”.


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