MACRON AT THE “ONE FOREST SUMMIT” IN LIBREVILLE: It’s Ali Bongo who rubs his hands

Libreville, the Gabonese capital, is home to the 1is and March 2, 2023, the “One Forest Summit”. An initiative that follows on from the Sharm el-Sheick climate summit, held from November 6 to 18, 2022, in Egypt, and which aims to mobilize the interest of decision-makers on the issue of forests, in particular the preservation and sustainable management of tropical forests. When we know that the forest of Central Africa constitutes, with the Amazon in Latin America, the two green lungs of the planet, the choice of Gabon, 90% of whose territory is occupied by this forest, to shelter such a summit, can’t be better justified. That is to say that this Libreville summit, which will bring together various high-ranking personalities, is on track to be a landmark in terms of initiatives in favor of environmental protection.

The vertices follow each other and seem to resemble each other

And the initiative is all the more laudable as it also reflects an awareness of the dangers facing the planet due to climate change sometimes linked to human action. Only, the vertices follow each other and seem to resemble each other; both the relevant recommendations and other great promises that come out of them often have great difficulty in being translated into concrete actions on the ground. To return to the meeting in the Gabonese capital, a dozen heads of state are expected at this summit, which will also be attended by leaders of international organizations, representatives of financial institutions, research centers, NGOs international without forgetting the private sector. Among the illustrious guests of the master of Libreville, the Congolese presidents, Denis Sassou Nguesso, Equatorial Guinean, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Central African, Faustin-Archange Touadera, from the Chadian transition, Mahamat Idriss Déby, from Sao-Tome and Principe, Carlos Villa Nova, as well as the French President, Emmanuel Macron. In these times, when security issues once morest a backdrop of global economic recession in connection with the war in Ukraine, mobilize many energies around the world, to succeed in bringing together as many luminaries around an issue as crucial as that of the he environment, is a victory that Gabonese diplomacy will certainly not shy away from. What’s more, with the remarkable presence of the young tenant of the Elysée who, insofar as he secretly burns with desire, would not be far from finding in this summit on nature, a pretext to pay a visit if not is to lend its tacit support to a “friend” of France in this election year in Gabon. This is all the more so since France is often criticized in Africa for its supposed or real support, or at the very least, its propensity to appear with dictators and other gravediggers of democracy among whom some have quickly made rank the Gabonese head of state.

It is a summit from which the Gabonese head of state will not fail to draw dividends when the time comes.

How can it be otherwise when following fourteen years of reign, in addition to the forty-two of his late father, whom he succeeded under the conditions that we know at the head of the Gabonese state, the invalid tenant of the Palace by the sea, shows no desire to hand over despite the weight of the disease which continues to weigh on him? In any case, unless we are fooled, we cannot believe that during his stay in Gabon, which marks the start of a tour of Central Africa, Emmanuel Macron will only register this trip in the sole context of this environmental summit, without finding time for a one-on-one with his two-day host. Nor discuss with him other subjects falling within the framework of bilateral cooperation. Be that as it may, it is a summit from which the Gabonese head of state will not fail to draw dividends when the time comes, for the consolidation of a Bantu regime which appears today, in many respects, like the perpetuation of a dynasty, in a country that nevertheless wants to be democratic. It is therefore logically, Ali Bongo who is rubbing his hands. He who announced his candidacy for his own succession for a third term, in favor of the celebration, in March 2022, of the 54th anniversary of his party, the Gabonese Democratic Party (PDG), and which has already announced the color by proclaiming loud and clear that “the only way out will be victory”. Everyone is warned.

” The country ”



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