Macri Takes the Reins of PRO: Conversations, Meetings, and Future Plans

2024-02-21 00:01:00
Macri is heading to preside over the PRO and today he received Pullaro, the radical governor who is in conflict with Milei

“Mauricio is a leader in the PRO that is difficult to question.” The phrase belongs to a yellow national leader who has known Mauricio Macri for 20 years. The former president decided to take the reins of the party that he founded and, if there are no problems, on March 19 he will be proclaimed president of the space. It was the central topic of the conversations he had during the day following returning from his vacation in Cumelén. It was the second day of a week that, as Infobae anticipated, will be full of political activity for Macri.

The surprise was that in addition to receiving the party’s small table, he had contact with Maximiliano Pullaro, the governor of Santa Fe who is part of radicalism and who is facing Javier Milei. It is not the only dialogue with leaders. A meeting is also planned with Rogelio Frigerio, from Entre Ríos, and with Ignacio “Nacho” Torres, from Chubut. As well as with party mayors. Macri retains political centrality and is in charge of displaying it when he deems it appropriate: he returned from two months of rest and activates a parade of political figures through his offices.

Although the governors Alfredo Cornejo (Mendoza), a friend of Macri, and Gustavo Valdés (Corrientes) are outstanding figures of radicalism, Pullaro became the most important governor of radicalism. He administers the third largest province in the country and one of the most powerful productive centers in Argentina. And he is, at the same time, an organic leader, who has been active in the UCR since his youth and upholds those flags.

If there are no surprises, Mauricio Macri will be president of the PRO starting next month (EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni)

Pullaro has the idea of ​​contributing to the governance of Milei, but he has nuances with the Casa Rosada and he makes them noticeable. In the debate on the Omnibus Law he was one of the main critics, among other points of the fiscal chapter, of the Executive’s decision to apply withholdings to regional economies and continue with that rate for agricultural production. After the parliamentary fiasco of the ruling party, the President targeted the governors and the Santa Fe resident was one of the main targets.

It was one of the points that arose in the conversation with Macri this followingnoon. The former President, who speaks weekly with Milei, wanted to meet the radical governor and listen to his vision. The man from Santa Fe respects the investiture of the PRO leader, although he does not agree with everything. When the link between the PRO and radicalism is not going through its best moment, today’s talk was the kickoff, perhaps, of a political relationship that can be gravitational in the future.

In the PRO there is consensus around the need for the party to recover its political identity, leave behind the fights of the last two years and organize itself institutionally. The party’s leaders know that the rise of Javier Milei and the libertarians took away their disruptive component and that if they continue in a climate of constant dispute, the liberal wave will end up destroying the electoral political potential of the yellow party.

This situation motivated Macri to take the reins of the game. Patricia Bullrich is today the national leader of the PRO with the greatest weight to exert internal power. And so it happens. But there is consensus for the former Head of State to assume party leadership, while the distribution of power spaces of the PRO is discussed until the first days of March.

Bullrich, who is currently traveling to the United States to participate with Milei in a congress of global right-wing leaders, intends to meet with Macri following his return. The former President has the same wish. While talking regarding places on the list of party authorities, both leaders will discuss the political direction that the PRO will take towards 2025.

The Minister of Security has the idea of ​​​​accelerating a convergence with La Libertad Avanza. And she does so strengthened by the political support she receives from the President of the Nation. Macri, on the other hand, does not rule out later the possibility of talking regarding some type of electoral agreement, leading up to the 2025 elections. But today there is no definition regarding any pact with the Government, nor regarding the possibility of integration of leaders of the PRO to the Executive Branch. “No agreement was cold basically because there was never an agreement,” a leader who spoke with Macri this followingnoon confided to this medium.

Regarding Bullrich’s role, there is currently the possibility of her being president of the PRO Assembly. Currently, that position is held by Humberto Schiavoni, historical leader of Macrismo. It is an important space, given that it is the body that has an impact on the politics of electoral alliances. It is not defined yet, although it is a possibility that is gaining strength.

It was one of the topics that arose in the meeting that Macri had this followingnoon with part of his political table. Jorge Macri, mayor of Buenos Aires, Cristian Ritondo, head of the Deputies block, Diego Santilli, national deputy, Soledad Martínez, mayor of Vicente López, Guillermo Montenegro, mayor of Mar del Plata, Néstor Grindetti, chief of staff of the City, participated. Fernando De Andreis, a leader of close confidence to the former President, was also present. This is a group of Macri’s regular, everyday interlocutors.

#Macri #heading #preside #PRO #today #received #Pullaro #radical #governor #conflict #Milei



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