Machinery moves in the three lots of the Ruta del Progreso

Asuncion, IP Agency.- According to the report of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC), the asphalt paving work on the so-called “Ruta del Progreso” (Route of Progress) in the department of Misiones has shown good progress, exceeding 15 percent in its three lots.

Lot 1, which begins at the intersection with route PY04, called Ybyraty junction, and extends towards the district of San Juan Bautista to km 18.62 of the route, where it connects with the bridge over the Aguaray stream, totals 18.62 km.

For its part, in Lot 2, from the head of this last bridge to km 38.69, where it connects with the existing asphalt that connects to the urban sector of the district of San Juan Bautista, thus adding 20.07 km.

The third lot is a 5.35 km section between km 38.69 and km 44 and includes the construction of a new 6.2 km variant.

On all fronts, the main tasks carried out consist of earth movement such as clearing, clearing and cleaning of the domain strip, the removal of existing structures, excavations and embankments, among other items.

About the project

This work is part of the MOPC call No. 93/2022 “Asphalt paving works in the departments of Misiones, Cordillera and Caaguazú – Directorate of Roads – with ID No. 419,394.

In the case of the Ruta del Progreso, three lots were awarded out of the four that make up this call. Lot 1 is the responsibility of the firm Construpar; Lot 2 is from Tecsul SAE, while the third lot is executed by Caldetec Ingeniería SRL.

This work is part of the MOPC call No. 93/2022 “Asphalt paving works in the departments of Misiones, Cordillera and Caaguazú – Directorate of Roads – with ID No. 419,394. Its start order was announced by the Minister of Public Works and Communications, Eng. Claudia Centurión, at the end of January of this year.

#Machinery #moves #lots #Ruta #del #Progreso
2024-08-24 09:54:06



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