Machado Supports Conclusions of United Nations Mission

Machado Supports Conclusions of United Nations Mission
  • The opposition leader said that Nicolás Maduro “represents a danger” for Venezuelans and for the countries of the region | Photo: EFE

Opposition leader María Corina Machado reacted on Tuesday, September 17, to the Report of the Independent Fact-Finding Mission of the United Nations (UN) on Venezuela.

In his opinion, it is clear that human rights violations in Venezuela “are not isolated incidents” but “part of a deliberate policy of repression by the regime,” referring to the government of Nicolás Maduro.

In a statement released by her press team, Machado demanded that those responsible be brought to international justice, while reiterating that the Maduro government in Venezuela “represents a danger” not only for Venezuelans, but for the entire region.

Members of the UN Mission, who presented a report on the situation in Venezuela on Tuesday, asked the international community not to become tired or normalize what is happening in the country, which – they added – is experiencing the worst wave of repression and human rights crisis since 2019.

Photo: EFE

Protests in Venezuela

The UN report revealed that it was able to confirm that in the post-election protests, unleashed against the result of the National Electoral Council (CNE) that declared Maduro the winner in the presidential elections of July 28, at least 158 ​​minors were detained and that some of them suffered disabilities and were accused of serious crimes, such as terrorism or inciting hatred.

Machado Supports Conclusions of United Nations Mission

“The arrests without court orders, torture, enforced disappearances and sexual violence that the Mission claimed to have documented,” Machado said.

This implies -he explained- taking actions, without specifying which ones, that increase “the cost” so that “the repression against Venezuelans ceases.”

OVCS documented 14 daily protests in Venezuela during August

Photo: EFE

Abuses and repression intensified

The mission confirmed that abuses have intensified since the presidential elections in order to silence any criticism or doubt that Maduro was the winner, after the largest opposition coalition denounced this victory as fraudulent and declared that the winner of this contest is its standard-bearer, Edmundo González Urrutia.

The opposition leader claimed to support this statement through 83.5% of the electoral records that the PUD published in a Web page and which – he insists – demonstrate the defeat of Maduro, who, for his part, claims that these documents are “false.”

Machado praised the work of the mission – created in 2019 to monitor and document human rights violations in Venezuela since 2014 – whose next renewal must be decided by the UN Human Rights Council.

“The presence of the Mission is essential to continue documenting these crimes and determining the responsibility of the regime. We cannot allow the suffering of Venezuelans to be forgotten or left unpunished,” he said.

With information from EFE

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#Machado #supported #report #Mission
2024-09-18 03:01:15

**PAA Questions:**

I apologize, but it seems that you provided an ‌article about the human​ rights situation⁤ in Venezuela, specifically the⁣ opposition ​leader María ⁢Corina Machado’s reaction to a report by the United Nations⁣ on the country’s human⁤ rights​ violations.

However, I understand​ that you ⁢requested an article about ⁤the

HTML ‍element. Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:


Element ⁢in HTML: A Comprehensive ⁤Guide


element⁤ is one of​ the most versatile and ‍widely​ used HTML elements in web ‍development. It is a generic container element that can be used to group ⁣elements ​together, apply styles, and add structure to a web page.

What ⁢is the


The ​

element is a block-level element that represents a generic⁤ division or section of a document. It⁤ is a container element that can be used to wrap other HTML elements, making it easy ​to apply styles, ⁢layout, and structure to a group⁢ of elements.

How to Use the


To use the

⁣ element, simply⁢ wrap the elements ‌you want to group‍ together with the opening ⁤

tag and the closing

tag. For example:


This is⁢ a paragraph of text.

An image

Attributes of the



element‍ can take several attributes, including:

id: specifies a⁤ unique ID for the⁤ element

class: specifies ⁢one or more class names for the element

style:​ specifies an inline style for the ‍element

align: specifies ⁤the alignment⁤ of the element ( deprecated in HTML5)

title: specifies a tooltip or hover‍ text for the element

Common Use⁤ Cases for the



element is commonly used for:

Grouping elements together for styling purposes

​Creating layout structures, such as headers, footers, and sidebars

Creating responsive designs using CSS grids or flexbox

Creating⁣ interactive elements, such as​ accordions⁣ or tabs

Creating semantic meaning for search engines and screen readers

Best Practices​ for Using the


When​ using the

​ element,‌ it’s⁣ essential to follow ⁤best practices ‍to ensure that your HTML ‌is semantic, accessible, and easy ‍to maintain. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Use the

‍element only when necessary, and‍ prefer more semantic elements when‌ possible

Use descriptive ‌class names and IDs to make your ​HTML ⁣easy to understand

Avoid using too many nested ‍

elements, as this can make‌ your‌ HTML hard to read⁤ and⁣ maintain

Use the

element ⁤to ​create a clear and logical⁣ structure for your content



element is a versatile and ⁣essential element in HTML. By ⁤understanding its purpose, attributes, and⁣ common use​ cases,‍ you‍ can use the `<



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