Mace Windu in Mandalorian? Samuel L. Jackson pitches to director

Mace Windu in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett? Samuel L. Jackson would probably be up for both Star Wars series. Image Credit: Disney/Lucasfilm

It’s no secret that Samuel L. Jackson wants to return to the Star Wars universe. The prequel actor has been campaigning for some time the revival of Mace Windu a. Now Jackson is even trying to get Mandalorian director Bryce Dallas Howard on board.

Samuel L. Jackson does not give up

Jackson’s Role in Star Wars: The actor of films like Pulp Fiction or Django Unchained appeared in the Star Wars prequels as Mace Windu. In Episode 3 – Revenge of the Sith, the Jedi Master perished when Anakin Skywalker turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader. According to Samuel L. Jackson, that wasn’t the end of Windu’s story.

Mace Windu in The Mandalorian? Samuel L. Jackson reveals in HappySadConfused-Podcastfor putting himself in the conversation with Bryce Dallas Howard. The Jurassic World actress has directed several episodes of The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett. So maybe a good way for Jackson to get his foot in the door:

Star Wars has a long history of one-handed people returning. The only person I’ve said that to is Bryce Dallas Howard when I did a movie with her. And she’s directing episodes of The Mandalorian, so I approached her and said How about, can you land a role for a brother? I mean, you like me, don’t you? To which she replied You are amazing, I love you. And I in turn: Then pack me in there […]I’m ready to learn left hand lightsaber combat! […]

Samuel L. Jackson

Bryce Dallas Howard directed the Mandalorian chapters The shelter and Die Thronerbinas well as the Boba Fett episode Return of the Mandalorian. Many critics and fans were so impressed by the filmmaker’s work that they wished she would do more Star Wars productions. It remains to be seen whether Howard could be responsible for his own Star Wars film.

Where the hell is Mace Windu?! Me & @SamuelLJackson want to know. @BryceDHowardhelp us out! Put him in the game!

— Josh Horowitz (@joshuahorowitz) March 15, 2022

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Even George Lucas is convincing: Samuel L. Jackson has been campaigning for Mace Windu’s return to Star Wars for some time. Not only does the actor regularly call on his fans to support the cause, but he’s even enlisted Star Wars creator George Lucas (via Entertainment Weekly).

Lucas has since expressed his support for the idea of ​​bringing Mace Windu back – but to be fair, he doesn’t have much of a say in current Disney productions. Nevertheless, one should not underestimate that currently creative minds are still consulting Meister catch up.

Fett wants a rematch: Incidentally, Jango Fett actor Temuera Morrison also recently brought up the idea of ​​bringing back Mace Windu, completely independently of Jackson in an interview. Here, Morrison revealed that he would like to see a confrontation again in a potential second season of The Book of Boba Fett.

Maybe even Bryce Dallas Howard would be involved. However, it is currently questionable whether The Book of Boba Fett will even get a second season. How we currently see the opportunities for this can be found in the following article:

What are the odds for season 2?


The Book of Boba Fett

What are the odds for season 2?

What’s next for The Mandalorian?

Season 3 of The Mandalorian is slated to premiere on Disney Plus in winter 2022. We already know which supporting character isn’t returning and which fan favorite is rumored to be rising from the dead. The Kenobi series with Ewan McGregor will start on May 25th. We have already summarized all important information for you.

What do you think of Mace Windu’s potential return to the Star Wars universe: would you be excited to see Samuel L. Jackson make a comeback? Or can you do without it? Let us know in the comments!

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