MacBook Air with M3 should be even more powerful for running games, says journalist

2023-09-18 17:37:00

One of the highlights of the Pro versions of the iPhone 15 line is the platform A17 Pro. In this sense, expectations increase for what Apple can bring to the market in its next generation of MacBooks with the chips M3. Variant performance Airfor example, can make it an interesting option for running games.

According to the portal’s publication BGR, Apple is already managing to produce components that can run games with the quality of a table console. After all, the company itself said something like this at its event, when it highlighted the capacity of its new cell phones in games.

This scenario, however, only applies in theory, since, in practice, it is still necessary to have more than a good set of hardware, such as support from developers. The post, even so, highlights that the new A17 Pro manages to surpass the components of the MacBook Air with M2, as well as the MacBooks Pro with M2 Pro and Max and single core.

Still, Apple needs to ensure that devices don’t overheat during use, so smartphone SoCs run with a focus on energy efficiency. This type of situation, however, should not apply in the same way to the brand’s notebooks, giving room to invest more in firepower.

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