Maayan Adam Opens Up About Her Fight Against Rare Ovarian Cancer

Only health: After a difficult year full of upheavals in the life of the TV actress and content creator Ma’ayan Adam, who lost her little sister Mefel the late on October 7th in the Hamas massacre at the Nova party, today (Saturday) announced: “I have a rare ovarian cancer.”

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In a post she uploaded to the social network Instagram, Adam wrote: “The truth is that I have no idea what to write, that’s why I didn’t tell until now, but I also don’t want to falsify the reality and keep more in my stomach, after all, this is the reason for everything in the first place.”

“The answers came back from the pathology, my tumor is a rare ovarian cancer, and I have been undergoing tests for several weeks to look for more tumors or remnants. All the tests so far have come back excellent, I am optimistic and feel that I was lucky. If the tumor had not grown so fast, I would not have noticed it And the cancer would have spread to metastases without any hindrance.”

Ma’ayan added: “This weekend I underwent another long operation as part of the investigation and in a few weeks the results will arrive, after which it will be possible to make decisions.” I wish you wouldn’t worry about me, and wouldn’t give me a pitying look in the street, because I’m really in a good situation! I feel lucky! And I won many more years with my family, friends, and perfect daughters.”

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Silent killer cancer symptoms

Ovarian Cancer: A Silent and Often Overlooked Health Concern Affecting Women

Today,​ TV ​actress and ‍content creator Ma’ayan Adam⁤ revealed her ​struggles with a rare type of ovarian cancer. After a difficult year, Adam has‌ been undergoing tests and treatments for her condition. ⁢Ovarian cancer is a serious health concern that‌ affects many women‌ worldwide, often going undetected until ⁤it’s too late.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian ​cancer is a type ‍of cancer that affects the ovaries, which are part of the female reproductive‍ system.⁣ It‍ occurs when‌ abnormal cells in the ovaries grow and ‌multiply uncontrollably, forming a​ tumor. If left untreated, the cancer can spread to other parts of the ⁣body, ⁢making it more difficult‌ to treat.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The symptoms of ovarian ​cancer can be subtle and often mistaken for other conditions.‌ Common‍ symptoms ⁢include:

Pelvic pain or discomfort

Bloating or swelling‌ of the ⁣abdomen

Difficulty eating​ or‍ feeling full ‍quickly

Weight loss


‍Changes‌ in bowel or bladder habits

Early⁤ detection is crucial in​ the treatment of ovarian ⁣cancer.⁤ If you experience any of these ‌symptoms, it’s essential to consult a doctor for proper ​diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment Options

The treatment of ovarian cancer typically⁢ involves a combination of surgery,​ chemotherapy,‍ and radiation therapy. Surgery is often the first step in removing ‌the tumor and⁤ any affected tissue. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can ⁢help kill⁣ any remaining⁢ cancer cells.

In⁣ some cases, fertility preservation may ​be an option for young cancer patients. ​This involves freezing eggs or embryos‌ before chemotherapy, allowing⁣ them to preserve their fertility beyond treatment [[1]].

Importance of Health Equity

Ma’ayan Adam’s story highlights the importance⁣ of health equity, ‌particularly in the diagnosis and ​treatment of ovarian cancer.​ Health equity refers‍ to the fair distribution of healthcare resources and opportunities. In ⁤the case of​ ovarian cancer, it’s essential to ensure ⁤that all women have access to early detection, diagnosis,⁣ and treatment, regardless of their background ‍or‍ socio-economic status [[2]].

Raising Awareness

Ma’ayan Adam’s courage in sharing her story has brought attention to the often-overlooked issue of ovarian cancer. By raising awareness,⁣ we can encourage more women to speak out‌ about their experiences and seek medical attention if they notice any symptoms.

As we observe Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, let us ​take a moment to remember the ⁢women affected ⁤by this disease and the importance of⁤ health equity in ensuring they receive the care they need.


Ma’ayan Adam’s story serves as a ⁢reminder of the importance of prioritizing ‌our health and⁤ seeking‍ medical attention when necessary. Ovarian cancer is a serious health concern that affects many women, but by raising awareness and promoting‌ health equity, we can work​ towards a future where all women have access to quality healthcare.





Silent killer cancer symptoms

Ovarian Cancer: A Silent and Often Overlooked Health Concern Affecting Women

Today, TV actress and content creator Ma’ayan Adam revealed her struggles with a rare type of ovarian cancer. After a difficult year filled with upheavals, Ma’ayan announced on Instagram that she has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, a type of cancer that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late.

What is Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer that affects the ovaries, which are part of the female reproductive system. It occurs when abnormal cells in the ovaries multiply and grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor. If left untreated, ovarian cancer can spread to other parts of the body, making it more difficult to treat.

The Silent Killer

Ovarian cancer is often referred to as the “silent killer” because it can be difficult to detect in its early stages. Symptoms may not appear until the cancer has advanced, making it challenging to diagnose and treat. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths in women, accounting for more than 22,000 new cases each year in the United States alone.

The Fallopian Tube Epithelium (FTE) Connection

Recent research has shown that the fallopian tube epithelium (FTE) may be a site of origin for high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC), a type of ovarian cancer that is particularly aggressive and difficult to treat [1[1]. This discovery has significant implications for the prevention and treatment of ovarian cancer.

Current Research and Treatment Options

Researchers are working to develop new and more effective treatments for ovarian cancer. For example, a recent study investigated the effects of chemical inhibition of the CBFβ/RUNX protein-protein interaction on ovarian cancer cell lines, highlighting the potential of targeted therapy for this type of cancer [2[2].

Raising Awareness and Supporting Those Affected

Ma’ayan Adam’s courageous announcement has brought attention to the importance of ovarian cancer awareness and the need for support for those affected by this disease. Her story serves as a reminder that ovarian cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age or background, and that it’s essential to stay informed and vigilant about our health.


Ovarian cancer is a silent and often overlooked health concern affecting women worldwide. It’s crucial to raise awareness about the risks and symptoms of ovarian cancer, as well as the importance of early detection and treatment. By sharing Ma’ayan Adam’s story and highlighting the latest research and treatment options, we hope to inspire others to take action and support those affected by this devastating disease.


[1] Ornelas, L., et al. (n.d.). The fallopian tube epithelium (FTE) has been recognized as a site of origin of high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC). Retrieved from

[2] di AL Carlton, et al. (2018). Small molecule inhibition of the CBFβ/RUNX interaction. Retrieved from

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