MA Bawas Has Not Received Complaint Regarding Ronald Tannur’s Acquittal Verdict – 2024-07-31 18:05:02

Residents walk near a wreath displayed in front of the Surabaya District Court Building (ANTARA PHOTO/Didik Suhartono)

The Head of the Supreme Court Supervisory Body (Bawas MA) Sugiyanto said that his party had not received any complaints regarding the acquittal decision issued by the panel of judges at the Surabaya District Court (PN) against Gregorius Ronald Tannur, the defendant in the murder of Dini Sera Afrianti.

“Bawas has not received any complaints regarding the decision so far,” he told Media Indonesia, Tuesday (30/7).

He explained that if they have received a complaint, Bawas MA will examine whether there are indications of violations of the Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Judges’ Conduct (KEPPH) from the decision-making process. If there are indications of violations of KEPPH, Sugiyanto said that his party will send an inspection team.

“On the other hand, if the results of the review do not indicate violations of the KEPPH and are purely related to judicial technicalities or the substance of the decision, Bawas cannot enter to conduct an investigation,” explained Sugiyanto.

According to him, this is because court decisions are not an ethical area, but rather purely a legal area.

Unlike Bawas MA, the Judicial Commission (KY) has actually taken earlier steps to investigate the Surabaya District Court’s decision by deploying an investigation team. Member and spokesperson of KY, Mukti Fajar Nur Dewata said that his party had also received a report from Dini’s family accompanied by member of the Indonesian House of Representatives Rieke Diah Pitaloka, yesterday.

“If followed up, then an examination will be carried out on the reporter, witnesses, and finally on the panel of judges,” said Mukti. (Tri/Z-7)

#Bawas #Received #Complaint #Ronald #Tannurs #Acquittal #Verdict



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