M6, RMC Story, CStar, Canal+… What is the professional future of Cyril Hanouna?

2024-08-17 08:00:00

EgyptAlone on a French set, this month of April 2020, Cyril Hanouna once again berated his favorite Turk on the C8 aerial: Olivier Schrameck, former president of the CSA. “He wants to pay himself C8, pay himself Hanouna. The new boss of the CSA perhaps wants C8 to be freer,” he told the camera. In January 2019, “Baba” was already singing the tune of Jean-Pierre Mader’s “Macumba” in front of Schrameck’s photo: “At the CSA, they dance every night. To celebrate your departure, they go around the bars…”

The moderator producer was wrong. The blow came not from his enemy Olivier Schrameck, but from the “new boss” of the CSA, later Arcom: Roch-Olivier Maistre, a devoted fan of Jacques Chirac, known until now for his cautious decision-making. A few months …

#RMC #Story #CStar #Canal #professional #future #Cyril #Hanouna



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