M5S, the “old” big ones tempted by Conte’s move. Grillo increasingly in the corner –

Edward Sirignano

Grillo is left with only the symbol. Beppe is increasingly isolated among the Five Star Movement. Not only are Conte’s supporters, the new parliamentarians, abandoning him, but also those “former” members who until the day before yesterday had defended him with all the means at their disposal. Aside from the former mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi, the only one who truly believes in the possibility of overthrowing the leadership, the men and women of the origins have only one desire: to return to the palace they left behind. This is why when Conte fears the possibility of reviewing that third mandate, which forced them to abandon Parliament, those from the beginning lay down their weapons and try to negotiate with those who, until the day before, were the enemy to be defeated at all costs. Fundamental, in this sense, is the action of two exceptional bridge builders. The first is the former president of the Chamber Roberto Fico, who dreams of taking Vincenzo De Luca’s place in Campania, while the second is the deputy Chiara Appendino.

Yes to the double mandate. This is how Conte aims to isolate Grillo: a tug of war in the M5S

Having now understood that she cannot be the “heir”, at least for now, of Giuseppi, she takes off the clothes of the independent administrator and puts on those of the “responsible”, of someone who puts her own ambitions in the attic for the project.
Those who, on the other hand, see the former prime minister’s openness to a third term as a chance to return are former Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede. The benches of special magistrates, apart from the salary, do not seem to fascinate him that much. Di Maio is no longer with us, so why not take advantage of the next Assembly in October to make some friends, hoping for a change in the internal rules, which could put him back in the game. Advising him in this direction is not just anyone, but Conte’s deputy Paola Taverna. The latter, despite being a protagonist in the yellow summit, in recent months, seems to have been sidelined. The Roman, on the other hand, is less in tune with the wide field on the left, proposed by Conte. The arrival of some new allies she can trust, therefore, could only please her, in terms of internal balance.

“A phone call would have been enough...”. Unprecedented powder keg, Patuanelli silences Grillo

Many, on the other hand, are the former traveling companions who, with the new rule wanted by the boss, could return to the capital and have their say: from the former Undersecretary of the Interior Carlo Sibilia, now in the role of restaurateur to the timeless Danilo Toninelli, who despite being trendy on social media, still seems to be nostalgic for departments and Capitoline buildings. Conte’s move to exceed the second term, therefore, is a masterpiece in current events because, in fact, it isolates Grillo. At most, he can keep the logo. But what is an empty container for? Threats, however, will not be lacking in the future. Will the new Contians, in a structured Movement that reflects the traditional logic of the apparatus, be able to defend themselves against those “ex”, who, although sometimes stumbled, have seen it all, acquiring both the experience and that opportunistic cunning, which only with the passing of the years and especially when one is in government, is acquired in politics?

#M5S #big #tempted #Contes #move #Grillo #increasingly #corner #Tempo
2024-08-03 12:34:04



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