M Pokora freaks out and kicks her mother-in-law out of their home for some crazy reason! – Tuxboard

M Pokora was pissed this weekend against his mother-in-law. After an unbearable provocation, he was forced to kick her out!

M Pokora would he be in conflict with his in-laws? The singer dared to kick Christina Millian’s mother out of his home. And this, after a final blunder on the part of the latter. We will explain everything to you…

Cloudless Happiness

Since meeting Christina Millian, M Pokora seems to have everything to be happy. Not content to form a perfect couple with the American singer, the French artist is also a happy dad.

With his partner, M Pokora has two beautiful boys named Isaiah and Kenna. The two toddlers are respectively three years old and one year old, and they make their parents happy. In this idyllic picture, the career of M Pokora is also doing well.

Even though his fans are sometimes very demanding of him ! But the artist is of a generous nature and likes to give what his public asks of him. There is only Aya Nakamura to find reasons to criticize the ex-member of Link Up…

Indeed, during the last NRJ Music Awards in November 2022, the interpreter of “I’m in pain” openly mocked him. She had questioned herself on Twitter about his prize for the best French artistall genres combined.

“He won for what sounds? Nothing against him. But he’s not in the top 10.”, she wrote before deleting her message. For his part, the main interested party had preferred to ignore the attack and savor his victory.

M Pokora prefers to focus on the essentials, i.e. his family. But there too, there is sometimes water in the gas. And just this weekend he was forced to throwing out your mother-in-law after a final provocation on his part!

M Pokora declares war on her mother-in-law!

Indeed, the couple is currently in the United States where they own a house. And like every time they are there, M Pokora and Christina Milian are visited by Carmen, the mother of the young woman.

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But this Saturday, January 28, nothing happened as planned. Because the mother-in-law of the French artist made a misstep that he did not forgive her. This indeed arrived at the couple’s house, dressed in a Knicks jersey, a New York basketball team.

However, we know that M Pokora is an avid Los Angeles Lakers fan. We can therefore imagine the face that the 37-year-old singer must have made when he saw his mother-in-law dressed in a t-shirt from the opposing team.

It’s a bit like coming to a PSG supporter’s house, wearing an OM jersey! Suffice to say that the provocation was total. This is why M Pokora did not hesitate to lift beautiful mother in her arms in order to put her out the door.

A scene filmed by Christina Millian, hilarious! Because you will understand, all this was of course for fun. After putting Carmen out, M Pokora, however, allowed her to return home again.

Posted on Christina Millian’s Instagram story, this sequence greatly amused the couple’s fans. And we can easily imagine why! It is true that the mother of the young woman had a little exceeded the limits. But fortunately, his son-in-law did not hold it against him.

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