Luxurious Presidential Plane of Mexico Sold to Tajikistan: BBC News Update

2023-04-21 03:55:30

  • Writing
  • BBC News World

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed through Twitter the sale of the presidential plane.

After more than four years for sale, the luxurious and controversial presidential plane of Mexico finally has an owner.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) announced this Thursday that the government of Tajikistan paid just over 1,658 million pesos (about US$92 million) for the aircraft that former president Felipe Calderón bought and later launched by his successor Enrique Peña Nieto.

Through a video recorded on board the plane and published on his Twitter account, AMLO assured that the amount was set “in accordance with the current official appraisal.” When purchased in 2012, however, the aircraft cost US$218 million.

According to the president, the money will go to the Institute to Return the Stolen to the People and will be used to build “two hospitals than 80 beds in the poorest areas of Mexico”.

#López #Obrador #announces #sale #Mexicos #luxurious #presidential #plane #Tajikistan

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