Luther Steeven Abouna Yangui rolls out the roadmap of the transitional authorities in Ogooué Maritime –

Luther Steeven Abouna Yangui rolls out the roadmap of the transitional authorities in Ogooué Maritime –

The Director General of Public Accounting and the Treasury (DGCPT), Luther Steeven Abouna Yangui, went to the province of Ogooué Maritime on Thursday, where he went to present to his colleagues the roadmap of the Transition authorities focused on better collection and management of public revenue, learned.

Mr. Abouna Yangui, accompanied by his colleagues, visited the Provincial Treasury of Ogooué Maritime and the tax offices of Gamba and Omboué on the same day.

Wherever he went, the head of the DGCPT outlined to the agents the roadmap of the highest authorities of the Transition, which aims to mark a significant step towards a more proactive, efficient public administration that truly listens to the needs of users, in other words, a public Treasury of excellence.

In this capacity, he toured the premises which house the Public Treasury services in the province in order to see for himself the working conditions of the agents responsible for paying taxes and duties for the benefit of the Republic.

The tour started a few months ago aims to understand and improve the daily lives of employees and users of the Public Treasury. The objective is to improve the working and reception conditions of users for a considerable improvement in State revenue.

Appointed to these functions on September 28, 2023, Luther Steeven Abouna Yangui also took advantage of this field visit to present his courtesies to the Prefects of the departments of Bendje, Ndougou and Étimboue.

According to its attributions, the DGCPT’s missions are to deal with questions relating to public accounting, the execution of the budget of the State, local authorities and public establishments and the management of the State’s treasury.

Camille Boussoughou

Luther Steeven Abouna Yangui rolls out the roadmap of the transitional authorities in Ogooué Maritime –

2024-07-05 23:32:08
#Luther #Steeven #Abouna #Yangui #rolls #roadmap #transitional #authorities #Ogooué #Maritime

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