Lupillo Rivera pronounces on the breakup of Belinda and Christian Nodal

What did he say about the supposed house he bought for Belinda?

The news of Belinda’s breakup Y Christian Nodal continues to give what to talk about and now it is Lupillo Rivera who decides to pronounce on it.

A week ago it was announced that Belinda He would have asked Christian Nodal for around 4 million pesos with the intention of paying off his debts with the SAT. After Christian allegedly got involved in it, the young man would realize that the debt was only 500 thousand pesos and that the singer would want the rest to pay pending bills from a house that he allegedly had given her. Lupillo Riverathis being the main reason why it is said that the couple’s relationship would end.

What did Lupillo say?

Now, after so many things have been said against the singer, it is Lupillo Rivera who comes out in defense of the interpreter, assuring that said house does not exist.

“I never had to give Belinda any money, I never bought her anything, well, I did buy her little gifts from here and there, but nothing extravagant like that, really,” Lupillo mentioned during a recent meeting with the press.

In this way, the famous ends with the rumor that said house would be one of the reasons or reasons why the couple had problems. Now it only remains to wait for one of the two to offer details of what really happened.

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