Lula Voices Concerns About the State of Argentina’s Diplomatic Facilities in Venezuela

Lula Voices Concerns About the State of Argentina’s Diplomatic Facilities in Venezuela

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva met with the top brass of the Foreign Ministry on Sunday and expressed his “concern” over the Venezuelan government’s decision to revoke Brazil‘s authorization to guard Argentina‘s diplomatic missions, official sources said.

The president discussed the situation with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Laura da Rocha, in a meeting attended remotely by Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira, who is on an official visit to Oman.

Brazilian diplomatic sources told EFE that Lula expressed his “concern” with Venezuela‘s position, which revoked the authorization Brazil had to look after Argentine interests in Caracas, including the custody of its embassy and the rest of its diplomatic missions.

At the unusual meeting on Sunday, the progressive leader also ratified Brazil’s position that it “will remain in charge of the custody and defense of Argentine interests until Argentina designates another State” valid for the administration of President Nicolás Maduro.

The Argentine Embassy in Caracas is currently hosting six opposition members who have requested asylum after the Prosecutor’s Office accused them of conspiracy and treason, among other crimes.

One of them reported on Saturday that security agents had surrounded the premises, “taken over” the entrances and cut off the electricity.

Maduro’s government claims to have “evidence” that these facilities are serving as a base “for planning terrorist activities and assassination attempts.”

In a statement released on Saturday, the Brazilian government declared itself “surprised” by the latest developments and recalled that the facilities of the Argentine mission in Caracas are “inviolable” according to the Vienna Convention.

Lula’s international affairs adviser, former foreign minister Celso Amorim, also told local media that he found Venezuela’s attitude “very strange,” since international law supports “the protection of the interests” of countries.

“It’s something that draws my attention and shocks me a lot,” he confessed.

Since August, Brazil has been responsible for safeguarding the diplomatic missions of Argentina and Peru in Venezuela, following the expulsion of members of both delegations after rejecting Maduro’s proclamation as the winner of the July 28 elections.

Lula has not recognized Maduro’s victory, nor that of opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia, who is supported by part of the international community and who landed in Spain on Sunday to request asylum, after the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office ordered his imprisonment for “conspiracy,” among other crimes.

Brasilia / EFE

#Lula #concerned #situation #Argentinas #diplomatic #missions #Venezuela
2024-09-11 17:37:10

What are the implications of Venezuela revoking Brazil’s authorization to guard ‍Argentina’s diplomatic missions for regional stability?

Brazil’s Concern Over Venezuela’s ‌Revocation of Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Missions

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da ‍Silva has expressed his⁣ concern⁣ over the Venezuelan government’s decision ‍to revoke⁣ Brazil’s authorization ‌to guard ‍Argentina’s⁤ diplomatic missions in ⁢Caracas. This move ​has⁣ sparked tensions between Brazil and Venezuela, with Brazil reaffirming its commitment to protecting Argentine interests‌ in the country.

According to sources, Lula met with ⁢the top brass of the Foreign Ministry on Sunday to discuss the situation, which has been escalating since August when Brazil took on the responsibility of ⁢safeguarding Argentina’s diplomatic missions in Venezuela. The revocation of authorization has raised concerns about the safety of ⁣the six opposition members who have requested asylum at the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, after being accused of conspiracy ⁣and treason by the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office.

Lula’s international affairs ‍adviser, former⁣ foreign minister Celso Amorim, ⁣has spoken out ⁣against Venezuela’s actions, ⁢calling them “very strange” and stating that international law supports “the protection of the interests” of countries [[1]]. The ⁣Brazilian government has also released a statement expressing its surprise at the latest developments ⁢and recalling that the facilities of the Argentine‍ mission in Caracas are “inviolable” according to ‌the Vienna Convention.

Brazil’s ⁣commitment to protecting Argentine interests is not limited to this incident. In recent ‌months, Brazil ⁤has been⁣ actively involved in promoting dialogue and democracy in‌ Venezuela, with Lula himself calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Venezuela [[2]]. Brazil, along with Colombia, has​ also‌ been pressing ⁢for a new‍ presidential election ⁢in Venezuela, citing concerns over the legitimacy of the‌ current government [[3]].

The⁣ situation highlights the complex web of‌ relationships between Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina, with each country having its own interests ⁢and agendas. As⁤ the situation continues to unfold, Brazil’s role as a mediator‍ and protector of regional interests will be closely watched.

Key Takeaways:

Brazilian President⁢ Luiz Inácio Lula ‍da Silva has expressed concern over Venezuela’s revocation of authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic missions in Caracas.

The situation has sparked tensions between Brazil and Venezuela, with Brazil reaffirming its commitment to protecting‍ Argentine interests.

Brazil has been actively involved in promoting dialogue and⁢ democracy in ⁤Venezuela, calling for a peaceful resolution ‍to the crisis.

Brazil, along with Colombia, has been ⁣pressing for a‌ new presidential election in Venezuela, citing concerns‌ over the legitimacy of the current government.


<a href="”>[2]



What are the implications of Venezuela’s decision to revoke Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic missions in Caracas?

Brazil’s Concern Over Venezuela’s Revocation of Authorization to Guard Argentina’s Diplomatic Missions

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has expressed his concern over the Venezuelan government’s decision to revoke Brazil’s authorization to guard Argentina’s diplomatic missions in Caracas. This move has sparked tensions between Brazil and Venezuela, with Brazil reaffirming its commitment to protecting Argentine interests in the country.

According to sources, Lula met with the top brass of the Foreign Ministry on Sunday to discuss the situation, which has been escalating since August when Brazil took on the responsibility of safeguarding Argentina’s diplomatic missions in Venezuela. The revocation of authorization has raised concerns about the safety of the six opposition members who have requested asylum at the Argentine Embassy in Caracas, after being accused of conspiracy and treason by the Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office.

Lula’s international affairs adviser, former foreign minister Celso Amorim, has spoken out against Venezuela’s actions, calling them “very strange” and stating that international law supports “the protection of the interests” of countries [[1]]. The Brazilian government has also released a statement expressing its surprise at the latest developments and recalling that the facilities of the Argentine mission in Caracas are “inviolable” according to the Vienna Convention.

Brazil’s commitment to protecting Argentine interests is not limited to this incident. In recent months, Brazil has been actively involved in promoting dialogue and democracy in Venezuela, with Lula himself calling for a peaceful resolution to the crisis in Venezuela [[2]]. Brazil, along with Colombia, has also been pressing for a new presidential election in Venezuela, citing concerns over the legitimacy of the current government [[3]].

The situation highlights the complex web of relationships between Brazil, Venezuela, and Argentina, with each country having its own interests and agendas. As the situation continues to unfold, Brazil’s role as a mediator and protector of regional interests will be closely watched.

Key Takeaways:

* Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has expressed concern over Venezuela’s revocation of authorization to guard Argentina’s



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