Lukasz Twarkowski’s new play Quanta will open LNDT’s 85th season | Culture

In 2020, L. Twarkowskis invited to a completely different format performance “Republic”, which took place in “Kino Cluster” and immersed the audience in the action, involved them in the life of a commune looking for alternative ways of survival.

“Creating a performance like “Republika” during the pandemic seemed like a crazy idea. However, that vision came true and became Łukasz Twarkowski’s business card, which brought him to the ranks of today’s most famous European creators, and LNDT’s name was recorded among the most important producers who not only invite the biggest stars of the theater world, but also help them to be born,” says the General Director of LNDT Martynas Budraitis.

This time, the director focuses on the subject of quantum physics and again wants to empower all the audience’s senses: “I’m not interested in what happens on stage, I’m interested in what happens in the minds of the audience.” Therefore, we use a hybrid theater method where we combine different media – sound design, music, erase the boundaries between video projections, cinema, live acting and choreography to create a unique experience, to find a unique language that no longer represents a script, no longer tells a story, but works on sensory levels .”

Photo by Vainius Sodeikas/Lukaszas Twarkowskis

In “Quanta”, viewers will find themselves in an interwar hotel in the mountains of Switzerland, where very strange things happen in one day. The physical properties of space and time are disrupted. The hotel guests themselves experience the disturbance – quantum physicists with their second halves, artists and other visitors. Something begins to change in their memory, attitudes, emotions, desires. Nobody understands what’s going on.

What does the term “quantum” mean? The word quantum (dgs. quanta) is Latin for “how much”. In physics, a quantum describes the smallest portion one can have. Life consists of quanta of events. Events happen one after the other, lining up in a certain story. We call it life, biography, destiny. Every story is governed by time, which determines that stories become comprehensible.

Aušra Pociūtė's photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski's performance

Aušra Pociūtė’s photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski’s performance “Quanta”.

Joanna Bednarczyk writes the play for the performance: “I consider quantum physics a philosophical, existential, meaningful science. I think quantum physics has an interesting history. The most striking, most surprising discoveries and new formulas appeared during the two world wars or the interwar period. Those discoveries were applied to warfare, and the atomic bomb was created as a result of this scientific achievement. But in my opinion, the philosophical and existential implications of this science have not affected the human perspective. Well, at least not on the level that Newton’s discoveries, which established the ideology of capitalism, had an impact. Quantum physics is the complete opposite. <.../>

In an anthropocentric, capitalist way, people think they know everything and can find cause and effect, but quantum physics teaches that there are things that are just random and shows what it means to live in a non-final, non-deterministic world.”

Aušra Pociūtė's photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski's performance

Aušra Pociūtė’s photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski’s performance “Quanta”.

“Quantum physics is very interesting because it requires a different way of thinking, you have to forget everything you knew about physics. When a person begins to think about quantum physics, he thinks that it is simply impossible, because it is based on contradictions, it has no logic. However, you can discover how beautiful it is, because it gives you the opportunity to believe in free will. She claims that at the subatomic level, things are random. And believe it or not, there’s just no reason. It can make you feel depressed or extremely happy because there is no predeterministic way of thinking. It’s a never-ending process happening right now,” says director Lukasz Twarkowski.

Actors who have already worked with the director play in the play: Vainius Sodeika, Nelė Savičenko, Rytis Saladžius, Airida Gintautaitė, Rasa Samuolytė, Algirdas Dainavičius, Martynas Nedzinskas, Gediminas Rimeika, as well as new role creators: Rimantė Valiukaitė, Arūnas Vozbutas, Aistė Zabotkaitė and Marius Čižauskas. .

Aušra Pociūtė's photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski's performance

Aušra Pociūtė’s photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski’s performance “Quanta”.

The scenographer of the performance is Fabien Lede, who created the scenery for “The Bear” and “Republika”, the author of the video projections is also Twarkowski’s constant companion Jakub Lech, the costume designer is Svenja Gassen, the composer is Lubomirs Grzelaks, the lighting designer is Eugenijus Sabaliauskas, the choreographer is Paweł Sakowiczius.

Aušra Pociūtė's photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski's performance

Aušra Pociūtė’s photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski’s performance “Quanta”.

“Quanta” is created in cooperation with Onassis Culture Athens (screenings of the play are scheduled in the Greek capital in the fall), as well as the international theater festival “Boska Komedia”, the De Singel Theater in Antwerp and the National Brno Theater in the Czech Republic, the sponsor of the play: the Adam Mickiewicz Institute in Poland. The creation of the performance is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, dramaturgical research was supported by “Onassis Air”, the partner of the performance is “NewError”.

Aušra Pociūtė's photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski's performance

Aušra Pociūtė’s photo/Rehearsal of Lukasz Twarkowski’s performance “Quanta”.

The premiere of the Lithuanian National Drama Theater play “Quanta” will take place in the Great Hall on September 13 and 14. In October, the performance will be shown in Athens, in December – in Krakow, and in February – again in Vilnius.

#Lukasz #Twarkowskis #play #Quanta #open #LNDTs #85th #season #Culture
2024-08-21 13:49:34



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