Łukasz Mejza. Suspicion of committing 11 crimes and a request to waive immunity in the Sejm

Łukasz Mejza. Suspicion of committing 11 crimes and a request to waive immunity in the Sejm

Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar submitted to Marshal Szymon Hołownia a request for the Sejm to consent to holding MP Łukasz Mejza criminally liable – the National Prosecutor’s Office announced on Wednesday. – When I see this motion, of course I will be happy to respond substantively to each of these base, inflated allegations – Mejza announced in the Sejm. PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński also commented on his case.

On October 1, the District Prosecutor’s Office in Zielona Góra submitted a request to waive the immunity of Łukasz Mejza, an MP from Law and Justice. This is related to the findings of the prosecutor’s office regarding the MP‘s asset declaration.

“The collected evidence, including property declarations, inspection of the apartment, documentation obtained from the Central Anticorruption Bureau and the tax office, sufficiently substantiated the suspicion that Łukasz Mejza, a member of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, had committed eleven crimes,” the prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

For a deputy to be held criminally liable, the motion to waive immunity must be passed by the Sejm.

Łukasz MejzaMarcin Obara/PAP

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the National Prosecutor’s Office announced that on Tuesday, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar submitted to Marshal Szymon Hołownia a request for the Sejm to consent to holding MP Łukasz Mejza criminally liable.

The Marshal of the Sejm confirmed on Wednesday that he had received such a request, along with another request to waive the immunity of Confederation MP Ryszard Wilk. Hołownia said that he had formalized them. – When they return from this formal inspection, I will immediately forward them to the committee. This one will work in normal mode. I don’t know whether it will be ready for the next session of the Sejm next week, or only the next one so that we can make a decision on this matter in the plenary chamber, he added.

READ MORE: MP Ryszard Wilk “had a lot of fun”. Request for the abolition of further immunity

Mejza about “bottom, inflated” accusations

Journalists tried to ask Mejza about the case in the Sejm. – Good morning, I would like to welcome you to Belarus. Only that instead of Baćka we have Donald Tusk and Adam Bodnar – he said.

– Ladies and gentlemen, now the Bodnarists are attacking the MPs for allegedly not registering the rooms. They do not need to be included in the asset declarations. We only enter the square footage. And it comes to the point where the police enter the MPs’ apartment, harass pregnant women and run around the apartment with a measuring tape – he commented.

As he added, “these are Stalinist standards, this is not even Belarus anymore.” – Find me a man, I will find a paragraph – he said.

– When I see this motion, of course I will be happy to respond substantively to each of these base, inflated allegations – he announced.

Mejza told reporters that he was considering waiving his immunity, but would make a decision after hearing the prosecutor’s request.

Mejza on “bottom, inflated” allegations regarding his immunityTVN24

PiS president about Mejza: I don’t know what kind of person he is

PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński was asked by journalists in the Sejm about Mejza’s case, as well as about the statement of the Speaker of the Sejm, Szymon Hołownia, that the Sejm’s lifting of the immunity of other members of the PiS club, Marcin Romanowski and Michał Wosi, remains in force.

– Mr. Marshal’s interpretations are, to put it mildly, far from precise to be very elegant here. However, when it comes to Łukasz Mejza, this is an issue that he himself, in my opinion, should settle – said Kaczyński.

Investigation since December

The District Prosecutor’s Office in Zielona Góra initiated an investigation into irregularities in the asset declaration of PiS MP Łukasz Mejza in December 2023.

According to Wirtualna Polska, in his declaration of assets the politician mentioned, among others: 180 thousand PLN for a loan for an apartment, but he did not include information about the premises he owned.

Previous testimony given by the PiS MP showed that he had an apartment with an area of ​​59 square meters, which he valued at PLN 500,000, Wirtualna Polska reported. The editorial office informed the prosecutor’s office about the lack of this entry. As journalists checked, Mejza is still the owner of this premises.

– This crime is punishable by six months to eight years – said prosecutor Ewa Antonowicz, spokeswoman for the district prosecutor’s office.

After publication, Mejza sent a correction of his asset declaration to the office of the Speaker of the Sejmin which he added the said apartment.

At the beginning of March, the MP’s apartment was searched and inspected. The information obtained by WP showed that in Mejza’s apartment, apart from the kitchen and two rooms, there were also stairs leading to the attic, and there was a premises adapted by an MP belonging to the Law and Justice Parliamentary Club. The inspection confirmed this.

Mejza did not file a complaint against the search. The parliamentarian was not in the apartment, his partner was present during the inspection.

Łukasz Mejza commented on the case on social media. “There was no ‘search’, only the policemen politely and very politely came with… a measuring tape (yes, with a measuring tape). And they measured the height of the attic,” he wrote on X’s website.

Mejza assured that he provided the number of square meters of the apartment “truthfully”. According to the MP, “the attic is too low to count square meters.”

Source of main photo: TVN24

Mejza’s Misadventures: A Comedy of Errors in Polish Politics

Oh boy, hold onto your hats, folks! The Polish political stage is serving up some prime drama, and it involves our favorite MP, Łukasz Mejza, who seems to be auditioning for a role in “How Not to Run for Office!” Earlier this week, Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar threw a hot potato in the lap of Marshal Szymon Hołownia, requesting that the Sejm allow for Mejza to be criminally liable. What’s Mejza’s reaction? He’s ready to respond—substantively, of course—to these base and inflated allegations. Sounds like a classic case of “I’m not guilty, I’m just misunderstood!”

Let’s rewind the tape a bit. On October 1, the District Prosecutor’s Office in Zielona Góra said, “Hold my coffee!” and formally asked for Mejza’s immunity to be waived. The reason? Allegations regarding discrepancies in his asset declaration. You know, just run-of-the-mill stuff—like possibly committing eleven crimes. But who counts these days? As Mejza himself noted, these are “bottom, inflated” accusations… I mean, who doesn’t love a good understatement?

Stalinist Standards? Really?

Mejza took to the Sejm’s floor like a gladiator in the arena, declaring, “When they come to measure my apartment, it’s like the police are running around with a measuring tape, harassing pregnant women! Stalinist standards!” Now, if I had a dime for every time a politician has compared their situation to Stalinist oppression, I’d be richer than Jerry Seinfeld! The man really knows how to make a scene; he’s got a flair for drama that would put Shakespeare to shame! But seriously, though, running around with a measuring tape? Is this politics or a DIY home improvement show?

The Kaczyński Commentary

Enter PiS president Jarosław Kaczyński, who, when asked about Mejza’s situation, said he didn’t really know what kind of person Mejza is. Well, that clears things up, doesn’t it? If Kaczyński is unsure about Mejza, I think we’ve hit peak confusion. Can you imagine a conversation between the two of them? “So, tell me about yourself.” “I’m… well, I’m kind of in trouble, but it’s a misunderstanding!” Cue the audience laughter.

Investigative Shenanigans

Now, let’s not forget the investigation that’s been brewing since December. It all sounds very cloak-and-dagger. The allegations are that Mejza omitted crucial details from his asset declaration—like how much he owns versus what he actually declared. It’s the classic “I swear I didn’t know!” angle, which always works—said no person in legal trouble ever. And did you hear that he later sent a correction with his asset declaration? You have to admire the speed of bureaucratic red tape!

Measuring Up

In a world where transparency is key, you’d think measuring the square footage of an apartment wouldn’t be such a dramatic event. Yet here we are! Mejza insists every measurement was honest, claiming the attic isn’t even tall enough to count. I mean, if I had a PLN for every time I’ve heard that one! Next thing you know, he’ll be telling us he wasn’t committing crimes; he was just “doing the math.”

Conclusion: A Comedy Entwined with Politics

So ladies and gentlemen, as we watch this spectacle unfold, let’s remember: this is political theater at its finest. Whether Mejza’s going to emerge as a martyr for misunderstood MPs or just another punchline in the ongoing political circus remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure: if they ever decide to make a movie about this, I am all in for the front-row seat. Who knows? It might be the comedy hit of 2023! And in the meantime, let’s hope Mejza’s ready for that stage because, my friends, it looks like the show is just getting started!



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