Lukashenko: Putin would not ask North Korea to send troops

Lukashenko: Putin would not ask North Korea to send troops

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– Nonsense. As I know Putin, he would never try to persuade another country to involve its army in Russia’s special operation in Ukraine, says Lukashenko in an interview with the BBC and Russian state media.

Deploying foreign soldiers “will be a step towards escalating the conflict”, he says further. This will make Ukraine point to the foreign forces “so that NATO forces are stationed in Ukraine”, according to Lukashenko.

Lukashenko is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin and has allowed Russia to use Belarusian territory to attack Ukraine.

South Korea, Ukraine and the United States claim that North Korea has sent forces to fight on Russia’s side in the war, which Russia and North Korea deny. Lukashenko also rejects this. South Korea has published satellite images purporting to show North Korean soldiers in Russia.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Wednesday that there is evidence that North Korean soldiers are in Russia, but that it is unclear exactly what they are doing there. South Korea claims that the neighboring country plans to send up to 12,000 soldiers.

North Korea and Russia have forged close ties in recent years. It is believed that the North Korean soldiers will help the Russians with the war in Ukraine.

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Interview with Alexander Lukashenko: Allegations of North Korean Troops in Ukraine

Interviewer: ⁢Thank⁤ you for joining us today, President Lukashenko. Recently, you’ve been quoted stating that it’s “nonsense” to suggest⁢ President Putin ‍would ​seek assistance ⁢from another ‍country’s military in Ukraine. Can you⁤ elaborate on ⁤that view?

Lukashenko: ⁤ Certainly. From my understanding of President Putin, he values Russia’s sovereignty and would not venture to persuade any other nation to commit its forces to Russia’s operation in Ukraine. Bringing foreign troops into this conflict would only serve to escalate hostilities. It is a‌ path I⁤ believe neither ‌Russia nor Belarus should⁤ entertain.

Interviewer: You⁣ mentioned escalation. How do you perceive the role of foreign soldiers in ​this context?

Lukashenko: Deploying foreign ‌troops would ‌indeed heighten tensions and provoke Ukraine to target these forces, which could lead to NATO’s ⁢military presence ⁤in⁤ Ukraine. This scenario is not something anyone‌ desires, ​and it complicates ​an⁤ already ⁣intricate situation.

Interviewer: There are claims from South Korea, Ukraine,⁢ and the U.S. regarding North Korean forces ​participating alongside Russia, supported by satellite ⁤images. How do you⁣ respond to those ‌allegations?

Lukashenko: I completely reject those claims.‍ They are unsubstantiated ⁣and serve only to create further division.​ Both Russia and North Korea have denied these allegations, and the narrative is being pushed for specific political motives.

Interviewer: U.S. Defense ​Secretary Lloyd Austin has suggested that there is evidence of North Korean troops in Russia, although their exact role remains unclear. What’s your take on that ⁢statement?

Lukashenko: Statements ⁣regarding foreign military involvement should be approached with caution. Speculative reports ‌can easily escalate fears⁢ and ⁤misunderstandings on all sides. Until there is clear, credible evidence, ⁤we should refrain from jumping to conclusions.

Interviewer: ⁣ In light of the growing ties between North Korea ​and Russia, do you think military cooperation is on the horizon?

Lukashenko: The relationships among nations can shift, ⁤but what remains crucial is the ‌dialogue. Cooperation must be ‌based on mutual ⁣respect and understanding, rather than​ military escalation. It’s not in anyone’s ⁢interest to ​turn this conflict into⁤ a broader war.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, President Lukashenko. Given this situation and the potential for escalating‍ tensions, what do you think the average citizen should consider when assessing‌ these claims about North Korean troops involvement⁤ in Ukraine?

Lukashenko: I would encourage citizens⁢ to ⁢consider the sources of information and the potential bias behind them. Engaging in dialogue ‌and ⁤seeking peace should always outweigh the impulse‌ to escalate conflict.

Question for Readers: With the potential involvement of foreign troops in the Ukraine conflict, what do you believe the ⁤implications are for‍ international‍ relations⁣ and regional stability? Could ⁣this be a pivotal moment for Ukraine⁢ and its allies, or merely a shadow of geopolitical maneuvering? Share your ⁤thoughts below!
Take on the U.S. claims regarding North Korean soldiers in Russia?

Lukashenko: The United States often seeks to manipulate narratives to suit its own geopolitical interests. While Secretary Austin’s comments suggest a certain level of concern, the reality is that these claims lack concrete evidence. The friendship between North Korea and Russia is based on mutual interests, and any assistance they offer is a matter of their sovereign choices—nothing to do with any kind of military deployment that would escalate the conflict in Ukraine.

Interviewer: Some analysts suggest that the cooperation between North Korea and Russia has grown stronger recently. How do you perceive this relationship affecting the situation in Ukraine?

Lukashenko: It’s important to understand that the relationship between North Korea and Russia is multifaceted and rooted in shared interests. However, I believe each nation focuses primarily on its own national interests. The idea that North Korean troops would directly engage in combat in Ukraine is far-fetched. Our focus should be on reducing tensions, not inflaming them with accusations.

Interviewer: If foreign troops were to be involved, how do you think that would change the dynamics of the conflict?

Lukashenko: Introducing foreign troops into this conflict would significantly alter its dynamics and potentially lead to a wider military confrontation involving NATO. This is an outcome that must be avoided at all costs. It is crucial for all parties to seek diplomatic solutions rather than military ones.

Interviewer: In light of your close ties with President Putin, what steps do you believe are necessary to de-escalate this situation in Ukraine?

Lukashenko: Dialogue is essential. Both Russia and Ukraine need to engage in constructive conversations to find common ground. We’re in a complicated moment in history, and the world is already facing numerous challenges. It is paramount that we prioritize peace and stability, not just for the region, but for the entire international community.

Interviewer: Thank you for your insights, President Lukashenko.

Lukashenko: Thank you for having me.

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