Lukashenka is ready to exchange Poczobut for Latushko with NAU | Belarus Power Bespredel | AFN | Belarusian news | Republic of Belarus

Lukashenka, answering the question of secret agent Yury Voskresensky after the message to the people and parliament, said that he was ready to exchange the convicted journalist and member of the Union of Poles Andrzej Poczobut for Pavel Latushko and the entire NAU team.

Commenting on the proposals of the Polish authorities to release Poczobut in exchange for the resumption of work at the Bobrovniki border crossing, Lukashenka said that he was ready to exchange Poczobut for Lokhushka (Pavel Latushko) and his entire team.

“One is not enough. Whole group here. This government is here in Belarus and I give them Pochobut. I will resolve this issue by the evening,” Lukashenka said.

He asked Voskresensky, who claims to be negotiating with Poland’s Charge d’Affaires in Belarus Martin Wojciechowski, to convey the proposal to “Polish friends.”

“If they want to change Pochobut for Lokhushka with the whole team, I am only for it,” Lukashenka said.

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