Lukas Horrer fails to get re-elected

25 of 39 constituencies have been counted

According to the second interim results following 25 of 39 counted constituencies, the center is ahead with 10,386 voters. Followed by the FDP (7389) and the SVP (7347). SP and Greens as well as GLP follow with 6625 and 1763.

As a result, the SVP can hope for significant gains in seats. According to a projection by Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha (RTR), following 25 of 39 constituencies were counted, the People’s Party would now have 22 percent of the seats instead of the previous 7.5 percent.

Some of these seat gains would be at the expense of the FDP, which would lose eight percentage points compared to the 2018 election and would also hold 22 percent of the seats in the 120-strong parliament.

According to the extrapolation, the strongest party is the center with 31 percent. That is 4 percent less than the CVP and BDP achieved in the election four years ago.

According to extrapolations, the joint list of SP and the Greens has 20 percent of the seats. That is 4 percentage points more than the SP achieved in 2018, but at that time without the Greens. The GLP can hope to gain almost the same number of seats. You would come to a little more than five percent of the seats.

However, the result of the extrapolation can still change significantly. With Chur, the largest constituency has not yet been counted, where left-green traditionally achieves good results. (red/sda)

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