Lugar’s close friend Binder voted against Babler’s electoral plan

2024-08-28 15:35:43

Upper Austria’s third state parliament president Peter Binder (SPÖ) voted against the SPÖ election program in the party’s executive committee. On Wednesday, Binder confirmed the Standard’s corresponding study to APA. A confidant of Linz mayor Klaus Luger, who resigned after the Brucknerhaus scandal, explained that this should not have been leaked to the outside world, but he insisted on it. “But I accept this decision and support it, that’s what democracy is,” Binder stressed.

He announced that he would attend the launch of the Socialist Party’s campaign in Linz on Thursday. Furthermore, he is working together with Linz’s top candidate Roland Baumann to “contribute positively to the overall result”. In any case, the representative of the Socialist Party of Linz, who supported Ruge in the Brucknerhaus scandal, denied in a statement that his voting behavior could be related to the call by party leader Andreas Babler for the resignation of the mayor of Linz . “Standards”: “Basically, I believe that when making resolutions, board members will vote based on what they know and believe and based on substantive and/or strategic assessments and not based on personal sensitivities,” he stressed.

SPÖ leader Andreas Babler reported on Monday in ORF’s “Summer Talk” that there was one dissenting vote in the 58-member party executive committee. The Social Democratic electoral program was approved by a notified resolution of the Federal Party Executive Committee that day. To this end, the revised plan, which was revised after multiple rounds of feedback from the Presidium and the Party Standing Committee, was sent to members of the Party Standing Committee shortly before 11 a.m. As Burgenland club president Roland Fürst explained on Tuesday, some members took advantage of the possibility of indirect consent, pushing the deadline back to 5 p.m.

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