Lufthansa: repaired the breakdown, everything flies again

After the flight chaos at Lufthansa caused by a construction work breakdown in Frankfurt, the airline’s air traffic normalized on Thursday morning.

This was announced by a spokeswoman for the airline. There are currently no known flight cancellations or delays.

According to the company, the Lufthansa problems on Wednesday were triggered by construction work on an S-Bahn line in Frankfurt/Main. According to Deutsche Telekom, four fiber optic cables were severed by an excavator on Tuesday.

Thousands of passengers with connections via the Frankfurt hub were affected by delays and cancellations as a result of the cable damage.

Frankfurt Airport was closed for around three hours and reopened for landings early Wednesday afternoon.

Flight cancellations threaten nationwide on Friday: the Verdi union has called for a day-long warning strike at most major airports in Germany. The background are several collective bargaining conflicts.

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