Lufthansa Group, TUM and Munich Airport: working together for the future of aviation

The Sky’s Not the Limit: Welcome to the TUM Convergence Center!

In a spectacle that combines science, industry clout, and a sprinkle of Bavarian bravado, Munich Airport is about to elevate research to a new altitude with the launch of the TUM Convergence Center. Think of it as the Avengers of academia, where the heroes are the Lufthansa Group, the Technical University of Munich (that’s TUM for those who like their acronyms) and, well, it’s hard not to throw in Munich Airport itself – the very runway of innovation!

Research Focus: Where Ground Meets Sky

Now, what’s cooking in this innovation kitchen, you ask? Well, the kitchen is actually a 20,400 square meter construction of brainpower and creativity nestled within the innovation hub that is Munich Airport’s LabCampus. It’s where aviation meets mobility, meets robotics, and possibly a few robots trying to get their pilot’s license. Let’s not forget security, because we all know someone has to keep an eye on those ungrateful drones!

Signing Day: A Gathering of the Brilliant Minds

On a day that sounds almost ceremoniously occult, a clutch of Bavarian bigwigs gathered—State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann, Bavarian Minister of Science Markus Blume, and Minister of Finance Albert Füracker, to name a few. You know it’s important when everyone dons their best ‘I’m Serious About Science’ faces to sign a letter of intent (LoI). Meanwhile, Professor Thomas F. Hofmann from TUM flexed his signature muscles alongside Joerg Eberhart from the Lufthansa Group and CEO Jost Lammers of Munich Airport.

The Vision: A Collaborative Campus

So, to paraphrase what Mr. Eberhart so eloquently stated, aviation’s future isn’t just about control towers and obligatory safety announcements; it’s about revolutionizing research and shaping sustainable air travel from the ground up. Picture this: students, scientists, start-up savants, and perhaps a curious grandma all mingling in the new center, all fueled by ideas (and maybe a pretzel or two). Together, they will embark on projects that redefine what we know about flying the unfriendly skies.

New Heights of Sustainability and Efficiency

The TUM Sustainable and Future Aviation Center has recently taken off collaboration with the Lufthansa Group and Munich Airport, constructing a runway for sustainable, efficient solutions in aviation. If all goes well, we might even be able to convince airlines that “free peanuts” isn’t the pinnacle of customer service!

Final Thoughts: The Sky’s the Limit!

So, buckle your seatbelts, folks! The TUM Convergence Center isn’t just another gathering spot for brilliant minds; it’s where the future takes flight, quite literally—whether it’s in the form of cleaner jets, clever robots, or just maybe, putt-putting hoverboards. Isn’t science just grand? Keep an eye on Munich; it’s set to soar!

New cooperation and innovation center at Munich Airport
Research focus: aviation, mobility, robotics and security
From left to right: State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann, Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Jost Lammers, President of the Executive Board of Flughafen München GmbH, Markus Blume, Bavarian Minister of Science, Albert Füracker, Bavarian Finance Minister, Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, President of TUM, Jörg Eberhart, representing the Lufthansa Group
An innovative research location connecting industry and student engagement: The Lufthansa Group, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Munich Airport are planning a new cooperation and innovation center with the “TUM Convergence Center ”. The new building complex will be built on approximately 20,400 square meters of the LabCampus, the innovation hub at Munich Airport.

The signing of a letter of intent (LoI) took place today in the presence of the Bavarian Minister of Science, Markus Blume, and the Minister of Finance, Albert Füracker. In addition to TUM President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann, Joerg Eberhart signed the document for the Lufthansa Group and CEO Jost Lammers for Munich Airport.

Joerg Eberhart said: “To efficiently and sustainably shape the future of aviation as the Lufthansa Group, we want to create a unique platform for collaboration between Munich Airport and TUM with the support of the Ministry of Science and Arts of the Bavarian state at the headquarters in Munich through the joint research institute”.

The new TUM Convergence Center will create a unique environment where students, scientific talent, start-up teams, business partners and citizens can work together on breakthrough projects in an integrated and innovative way. Research priorities include the key areas of aviation, mobility, robotics and security. The TUM Sustainable and Future Aviation Center was recently founded in collaboration with the Lufthansa Group and Munich Airport to develop viable solutions for more sustainable and efficient aviation.



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