Lufthansa Cargo’s Bold Move: Could LCCevo Revolutionize CPK

Lufthansa Cargo is investing 600 million euros in the modernization of its cargo hub at Frankfurt Airport. The project is to be completed by 2030. “The connection provided by Lufthansa Cargo is an irreplaceable gateway to the global market,” comments the German business. Recently, Lufthansa Cargo announced a plan to significantly increase cargo traffic to and from Poland.

Yesterday Lufthansa Cargo in the message announced that it is starting a major modernization of its cargo hub at Frankfurt Airport by 2030. Lufthansa Cargo Center (LCC) announced that an investment is starting that will create the most modern air transport hub in Europe.

An investment of almost 600 million euros

The “LCCevo” project is to strengthen the competitive position of the logistics hub in Europe by creating a modern, more sustainable infrastructure. Continuous operation: the basic renovation will be carried out in stages and cargo handling will continue smoothly in the 330,000 m² Lufthansa Cargo Center.

“Lufthansa Cargo enables global business and connects world markets more sustainably. The LCCevo project reflects our commitment to growth and excellence. (…) LCCevo underlines our strong ties to our home base and strengthens Frankfurt Airport’s role as a central cargo hub in Europe,” said Ashwin Bhat, CEO of Lufthansa Cargo.

This investment by the Lufthansa Group is a clear commitment to the Frankfurt location and symbolises our confidence in the long-term future of the aviation business.” – he said Michael Niggemann, Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG.

“This flagship project makes our cargo business at the Frankfurt hub fit for the future. It increases quality and efficiency for customers, creates sustainable jobs for our employees and enables even more environmentally friendly processes on the ground. At the same time, we are making a significant contribution to the efficiency of air freight in the heart of Europe, thereby enabling global traffic for our economy,” says Michael Niggemann, quoted in a Lufthansa Cargo press release.

»» Read about alternatives to the Central Communication Port project here:

Oh, if only we had CPK today… The opportunity of the decade is slipping away

CPK will be Hungarian: Orban’s ambitious plan

“…and instead of Rzeszów, the CPK spoke will go to Berlin”

Lufthansa Cargo expands connections with Poland

Let us recall that recently Wojciech Ryglewicz, Director of Lufthansa Cargo for Central and Eastern Europe in an interview for the portal revealed a plan to radically increase traffic and operations with Poland: at least 2-3 times a week on the Frankfurt-Warsaw or Frankfurt-Katowice section, and ultimately 5-6 flights a week. Each flight carries around 25 tons of goods.

Politicians: Tusk has chosen

Opposition politicians comment unequivocally on the information about the disclosed plans for the German lines as an action that disrupts the CPK construction plans or even eliminates them.

The Germans waited a while, and when they saw that the Tusk government had effectively ploughed the CPK project, they began to expand their own hub in Frankfurt. At the same time, they do not even hide the fact that their goal is to take over most of the air cargo traffic to Poland. Now they can, now they are sure that nothing will harm German interests – commented on the X platform former Prime Minister Beata Szydło.

It has become clear – we already know what the hidden conclusions from the mythical audits sounded like. “PLN 200 billion in revenue from cargo traffic will go either to Germany (Frankfurt) or to Poland (CPK) – the choice is up to the 🇵🇱 government.” Donald Tusk decided without hesitation – former deputy prime minister and head of MAP Jacek Sasin bitterly summed up. on GOOGLE NEWS to follow the latest information every day.

»» Read about current events in the economy and finances here:

Germany needs Poles not only for picking asparagus

The famous buses are back on our roads. But they have changed!

The Germans are cutting off a vital artery for the Polish port!

»» Interview with Dr. Artur Bartoszewicz from SGH about the unpredictable effects of the Green Deal on wPolsce24 TV – watch here:

Here is a‌ PAA‌ (People Also ⁣Ask) related question⁢ for​ the title **Lufthansa Cargo Invests €600 Million in Modernizing Frankfurt Airport Hub**:

Lufthansa Cargo Invests €600 Million⁤ in Modernizing Frankfurt ⁣Airport ⁣Hub

In ‌a significant move, Lufthansa‍ Cargo has announced a‍ major modernization of its cargo hub ⁢at Frankfurt Airport, investing a substantial €600 million in the project. The “LCCevo” project aims to‌ strengthen the competitive position of⁤ the ⁢logistics hub ‍in Europe ⁣by creating⁣ a modern, more sustainable ‍infrastructure. The project is expected to be completed by 2030 [[1]].

Strengthening ⁣Frankfurt Airport’s Role as a Central Cargo Hub

The modernization project will ⁤create the‌ most modern air⁢ transport hub⁢ in Europe, solidifying Frankfurt Airport’s position as a ⁤central cargo hub in Europe. “Lufthansa Cargo enables global business⁤ and connects world markets more sustainably. The LCCevo project reflects our commitment to growth and excellence,” said Ashwin Bhat, CEO of Lufthansa ‍Cargo [[1]].

Commitment to Frankfurt Location⁣ and Long-term Future⁣ of Aviation

The investment by the Lufthansa Group ⁣is ‍a clear commitment to the Frankfurt ‍location and symbolizes confidence in the long-term future of the aviation business. “This investment makes our cargo business at the Frankfurt hub ‌fit for the future. ​It ⁣increases quality and efficiency for customers, creates sustainable ‍jobs ⁤for our employees, and enables even more environmentally friendly processes on‍ the ground,” said Michael Niggemann, Member of the ⁤Management Board of Deutsche‌ Lufthansa ‌AG [[1]].

Expanding Connections with Poland

In addition to the ‌modernization project, Lufthansa Cargo has also⁤ announced plans to significantly increase cargo‌ traffic to and from Poland. ⁣Wojciech Ryglewicz, Director of Lufthansa Cargo for Central and Eastern Europe, revealed plans to radically increase‌ traffic and operations with Poland,​ including at least 2-3 times a week ⁤on the Frankfurt-Warsaw ⁣or Frankfurt-Katowice section, and ultimately 5-6 flights a week, with each flight carrying around 25 tons‌ of goods⁣ [[3]].

Impact ​on CPK ‌Construction Plans

Opposition politicians have commented on the disclosed ​plans for the German‍ lines, viewing them as an action that disrupts ⁤the CPK construction plans or even eliminates them. However, it is essential to recognize the significance of Lufthansa Cargo’s investment in‍ modernizing its cargo ‌hub at Frankfurt Airport and its⁤ commitment to strengthening the competitive‍ position of the logistics ⁢hub⁤ in Europe.

About Lufthansa Cargo

Lufthansa‌ Cargo is one of the world’s leading companies in the transport of air freight, with a strong‍ online presence [[2]]. The⁤ company’s ⁣commitment to modernizing​ its cargo​ hub at Frankfurt ​Airport and expanding connections​ with Poland‍ underscores its dedication to growth and excellence in the air freight industry.

Contact Information

For more information on Lufthansa Cargo, please visit their website at or contact them at [[1]].


[1] Lufthansa Cargo, Imprint

[2] Lufthansa⁤ Cargo, Facebook Page

[3] Lufthansa Cargo, Website

**Questions related to the article: Lufthansa Cargo Invests €600 Million in Modernizing Frankfurt Airport Hub**

Lufthansa Cargo Invests €600 Million in Modernizing Frankfurt Airport Hub

Lufthansa Cargo, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Lufthansa AG [[2]], is investing €600 million in the modernization of its cargo hub at Frankfurt Airport, with the project set to be completed by 2030 [[1]]. The “LCCevo” project aims to strengthen the competitive position of the logistics hub in Europe by creating a modern, more sustainable infrastructure.

The investment will create



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