Lucio Case | Morbidity and curiosity: the family denounces more than 400 admissions to the clinical history of the post-mortem baby

As the days go by and the verdict in the trial for the murder of Lucio Dupuy (5) for which his mother is accused Magali Esposito Valenti and your partner Abigail Peace Details of the State’s responsibilities are becoming known, to say the least striking. Now, the family found out that following the death of the baby more than 400 admissions were registered to his medical recordloaded in the systems of the Ministry of Health of The Pampa.

The data was confirmed to PROFILE by the Dupuy family lawyer, Jose Mario Aguerridowho explained that they obtained the information from a research carried out by the Office of the Administrative Investigations Prosecutor (FIA). This agency is in charge of investigating whether the Pampas State committed any crime or neglected its responsibilities in the Lucio case: from the educational intervention to the care he received in the hospitals where he was treated prior to being murdered.

According to the lawyer, the computer system revealed that there was “well over 399 income” to the baby’s medical history. This accounting starts on November 26, 2021the day of death, and lasts for four days, until the 29th of the same month.

Both the lawyer and the family were surprised by the data because, although they acknowledge that there might have been justified income, they maintain that “by the quantity they are the least”. Aguerrido also says that the Ministry of Health of La Pampa is aware of the situation and so far there has been no official statement to explain these incomes, which attributed to a morbid curiosity of the agents with access to that information.

The “Lucio Law” will be dealt with in the extraordinary sessions of the Senate

The lawyer also confirmed that these incomes, unjustified up to now, will be part of the presentation What are you preparing these days? once morest the State of the province of La Pampa.

As this medium reported, the family’s idea is to ask the Justice to investigate the criminal responsibility “of those who might have approached Lucio on the occasions when he entered different places traumatized.” Too they will request the impeachment of judge Ana Pérez Ballesterin the crosshairs for having granted custody to the mother.

The verdict of the trial for the murder will be known on February 2.

It is worth remembering that a few days following the death of the baby was knownthe content of the medical history was leaked to the mediawhere there were at least four admissions to hospitals for fractures and injuries: they were on December 15, 2020 (finger and wrist fracture), on January 22, 2021 (upper limb trauma), on February 1, 2021 ( wound in unspecified region) and on March 23, 2021 (control of his fractures and lack of care).

When this information became known, the national defender of Children, Marisa Grahamtold PROFILE that “if it is true that there were so many previous hospitalizations and nobody noticed anything, the problem is there, in the Health System“.

No answers in Health

Until now neither the pampean government in general nor the Ministry of Health in particular have spoken publicly regarding the case. PROFILE consulted various government sources and in all cases the answer was in unison: there will be no statements on judicialized issues. They also did not answer whether an explanation or public pronouncement is planned.

Crime of Lucio Dupuy: his grandfather maintains that “they killed him for being a man”

The Lucio case, in addition to putting on the table the horrible situations of violence and abuse to which the child was subjected by his alleged murderers, evidenced the failures of the State throughout the entire chain of responsibilities. And the question: Did nobody notice the situation of extreme danger in which the baby was?

On December 9, 2021, days following the crime, four provincial cabinet ministers were questioned in the Chamber of Deputies of La Pampa. It treats of the one of Education, Pablo Maccione; Security (Horacio Di Nápoli); Social Development (Diego Álvarez) and Health, Mario Kohan.

Although it was not yet known regarding the unjustified admissions to the medical history, this last official did give explanations regarding the repeated opportunities in which Lucio was treated. At that time, according to the newspaper The sandthe minister said that “We can’t talk regarding success when there’s death involvedbut if the government has achieved a balance in the system in dramatic moments”.

In turn, he held that “It is possible that an anxious mother takes her child several times for the same topic” to the health center. “Sometimes it can be confused because a person attends, for example, for a fracture, on different occasions to follow up on that same fracture,” he expanded.

Lucio’s family will sue the La Pampa health system

In the action to be proposed, they will have the opportunity to give some explanation if they have it, something that has not happened so far,” the lawyer Aguerrido told this outlet.

Dupuy case: when the complaint will be filed

As mentioned, the Dupuy family lawyer is already working on the lawsuit once morest the provincial State, which will be filed once the trial for the murder is over. From the Pampean Justice they indicated through a brief statement that The sentence will be read on Thursday, February 2 at 12 noon at the Santa Rosa Judicial Center.


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