Lucas Bessard or the harsh reality of craftsmanship

2023-08-17 10:33:35

Published on August 17, 2023 at 12:33. Modified on August 17, 2023 at 12:34 PM.

There are still professions outside of any framework of profitability and without any prospect or desire for industrial growth. We go to meet those who practice them.

Wood is everywhere. From the floor to the ceiling, passing through the walls, the material is everywhere. “These are cheese boards that my father used in his cheese factory,” smiles Lucas Bessard. The 30-year-old, too, handles wood, but for a completely different purpose: he manufactures artisanal skis, within his company, Woodspirit. A profession in which he fell a little by chance.

Bathed in milk and its transformation from a very young age, the Islois is following in his father’s footsteps. He is training as an agro-food engineer. “The next logical step would have been to work in this industry, for example in the field of quality assurance,” he says. But this path does not inspire him. Should he therefore take over the family cheese dairy? He works there for a while, but quickly realizes that, although he gets along very well with his father, “it’s not easy to work with him”, he laughs. It won’t be that way either.

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#Lucas #Bessard #harsh #reality #craftsmanship

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