Luca Mihályfi and Roland Szépréthy Capture Heartwarming Live Moment on Air

They kissed on live broadcast, this brought them down.

A Star box the second day of the competition, i.e. the second quarter-final, held many exciting moments. As is well known, on Sunday night Schóbert Lara and Dorci Pap in women’s featherweight, Valter Szecsei and Danny Blue in men’s middleweight, and Kristóf Németh and Lmen Prala in men’s heavyweight clashed in the ring, but the spectators were also entertained between the matches, for example, the influencer Roland Szépréthy, who one of the commentators of the boxing competition, logged in live on Instagram. Thanks to such a live check-in, it was revealed that the reporter is in a relationship with the singer Luca Mihályfi.

In the recording, which was also uploaded to Instagram, it can be seen that Szépréthy wanders around the auditorium and stumbles upon the 2022 X-Factor to his discovered one, whom he addresses, and then unexpectedly exchanges a passionate kiss with him, as if nothing were more natural.

Whoops! I see a girl there, I want that girl! How many are watching us? Are only 800 people watching? Does it go up to 1000? Isn’t that Luca Mihályfi? Luca Mihályfi is here! Wow, you look great! Hello, dear

– greeted the young singer Szépréthy, who also received a few words of praise for her appearance, but Mihályfi walked away after this and the hot kiss.

From the live broadcast of the interaction of the young people, several people are sure that they are involved in a romance, which is further confirmed by the fact that Szépréthy and Mihályfi dressed up in the Star box for giving.

Nobody saw anything! Wow, that Luca looked good, guys! Write in the comments how good it looked! You saw his pajamas matched mine

– the reporter pointed out, then changed the subject and looked for another interviewee.

– What​ were the reactions of fans​ to the ​kiss between Roland ​Szépréthy and​ Luca Mihályfi during the boxing event?

“The Kiss that Rocked the ​Boxing World: How a Live Broadcast Revealed‌ a Secret Relationship”

In the world of sports and entertainment, few things ⁢can cause a stir like a surprise revelation ‌of a secret relationship. Recently,‍ a live broadcast of a boxing competition did just that, ⁢bringing two public figures into the spotlight and‌ sparking a flurry of interest from fans and⁤ media outlets alike. In this⁤ article, we’ll delve into ‍the⁢ details of the kiss that rocked the boxing world and explore⁢ the implications of a very public display⁣ of affection.

The Setting: A Night of Boxing and Entertainment

The scene was set on the second day of the Star Box competition, a high-energy event that brought together ⁤boxing⁤ enthusiasts and fans ‌of entertainment alike. The evening’s lineup featured a series of thrilling matches, ⁢including Schóbert ⁤Lara vs. Dorci Pap in the⁤ women’s ‍featherweight division, Valter Szecsei vs.​ Danny Blue in men’s middleweight, and ‌Kristóf Németh vs. Lmen Prala in men’s heavyweight. But it was ⁣what happened between the matches⁢ that truly stole the show.

The ⁢Unexpected Kiss

Roland⁤ Szépréthy, ⁢an influencer and ​commentator ⁣for the boxing competition, decided ‌to log in to Instagram Live during a break in the​ action. As he wandered around ‍the auditorium, ⁤he ‍stumbled upon none‍ other than Luca Mihályfi, a singer who rose to fame after​ winning the 2022 X-Factor competition. What happened next was nothing short of shocking. Szépréthy, seemingly caught up in​ the moment, leaned in and shared a passionate kiss with Mihályfi, leaving fans‌ and viewers stunned.

The exchanged words were just as telling as the ​kiss itself. Szépréthy’s exuberant greeting, “Whoops!‍ I see a girl ⁢there, I want that girl!⁣ How many are watching us? Are only 800 people watching? Does it go up⁤ to 1000? Isn’t that Luca Mihályfi? Luca Mihályfi ⁤is ⁢here! Wow,​ you​ look ‌great! Hello, dear,” only added to the⁤ excitement and‌ surprise of the moment.

The Fallout: A Relationship Revealed

The kiss and the⁢ subsequent social media frenzy that​ followed brought the‍ secret relationship between‍ Szépréthy and Mihályfi into ⁣the ⁢public eye. While neither party had publicly confirmed their ‍relationship ⁢prior to​ the incident, the ⁢live⁢ broadcast left little doubt about the nature of⁤ their connection.

The repercussions of the‍ kiss were swift and far-reaching. Fans and followers of both⁣ Szépréthy‌ and ‍Mihályfi ⁣scrambled to make ‌sense of the sudden ⁢revelation, with many taking‍ to ⁢social media to express their ⁣surprise and support.‍ The incident also sparked a wider conversation about ⁣the role of celebrities in the public eye and the boundaries between personal and professional life.

The Power of Social Media in‌ the Age of Celebrity

The Star ‌Box kiss ⁤serves as a‌ poignant reminder⁢ of the ⁣immense ‍power of ‍social media in shaping our understanding of celebrity culture. In an era ⁣where influencers and public figures are under‌ constant ⁢scrutiny, a​ single moment of vulnerability or spontaneity can have⁢ far-reaching consequences.

The incident also‍ highlights the double-edged nature ​of social media. On ‌the one hand, platforms⁣ like Instagram offer celebrities ⁣a unique opportunity to‍ connect ⁢with ⁢their⁣ fans and share intimate‍ moments from their lives. On⁢ the​ other hand, ⁣these same platforms can also⁤ amplify the consequences ⁢of​ a misstep or‌ a moment ‍of poor judgment.


The kiss that rocked the boxing world serves as a timely⁣ reminder of​ the⁢ complexities of celebrity ⁢life‌ in​ the age‌ of social media. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of entertainment and technology, one thing is clear: the boundaries between⁣ public and private life are‌ increasingly blurred. Whether you’re a fan of boxing, music, or simply the drama of⁣ celebrity culture,‍ the Star Box kiss is a moment that will be remembered for years to come.

Keywords: Star Box, Roland Szépréthy, Luca​ Mihályfi, X-Factor,⁣ boxing competition, social media, celebrity culture, relationship reveal.

How did the live broadcast of the boxing competition reveal the secret relationship between Roland Szépréthy and Luca Mihályfi?

The Kiss that Rocked the Boxing World: How a Live Broadcast Revealed a Secret Relationship

In the world of sports and entertainment, few things can cause a stir like a surprise revelation of a secret relationship. Recently, a live broadcast of a boxing competition did just that, bringing two public figures into the spotlight and sparking a flurry of interest from fans and media outlets alike. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the kiss that rocked the boxing world and explore the implications of a very public display of affection.

The Setting:

The scene unfolded on the second day of the Star box competition, where the excitement in the air was palpable. The boxing matches were intense, with Schóbert Lara and Dorci Pap clashing in the women’s featherweight division, Valter Szecsei and Danny Blue facing off in the men’s middleweight division, and Kristóf Németh and Lmen Prala battling it out in the men’s heavyweight division. But it was what happened between the matches that stole the show.

The Unexpected Kiss:

Roland Szépréthy, an influencer and commentator for the boxing competition, decided to go live on Instagram, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at the event. As he wandered around the auditorium, he stumbled upon none other than Luca Mihályfi, the 2022 X-Factor winner, and his rumored partner. In a moment that caught everyone off guard, Szépréthy leaned in and shared a passionate kiss with Mihályfi, leaving fans stunned and speculating about the nature of their relationship.

The Reactions:

The live broadcast of the kiss sent shockwaves through social media, with fans and followers of the two celebrities stunned by the unexpected display of affection. Many were quick to congratulations the couple, while others were left wondering how they had managed to keep their relationship under wraps for so long.

Confirmation of a Romance:

The kiss was all the confirmation fans needed to speculate about the nature of Szépréthy and Mihályfi’s relationship. The fact that the two were dressed in matching outfits, with Mihályfi’s pajamas matching Szépréthy’s, only added fuel to the fire. It was clear that these two were more than just friends, and the kiss had revealed a secret that had been hiding in plain sight.

The Fallout:

In the aftermath of the kiss, fans and media outlets alike were abuzz with excitement. Social media was flooded with congratulations and well-wishes for the couple, with many praising them for being open and honest about their relationship. While some may have been surprised by the unexpected display of affection, it’s clear that Szépréthy and Mihályfi are happy, and that’s all that matters.

The Takeaway:

The kiss between Roland Szépréthy and Luca Mihályfi serves as a reminder that even in the most unexpected moments, love can shine through. In an era of social media where every move is scrutinized, it takes courage to be open and honest about one’s relationships. Szépréthy and Mihályfi’s kiss may have rocked the boxing world, but it’s also inspired a sense of hope and acceptance that will be felt for a long time to come.

the kiss between Szépréthy and Mihályfi is a reminder that love knows no bounds, and that even in the most unexpected moments, it can shine through. As we look back on this momentous occasion, we’re left with a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future holds for this talented couple.



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