Lu Yongxiong – Immigrants Difficult for the Rise of the Far Right in Europe | Bus Review | Headline Daily

Recently, a far-right wind has been blowing in European politics, which will sweep across Europe in the future, with right-wing parties coming to power one by one.

British Prime Minister James Chewhuis’ thinking leans to the right. After her push for a tax cut package was frustrated, Home Secretary David Bailey was interviewed by the media and made remarks attacking immigrants in an attempt to please voters. Bai Feiwen said that too many low-skilled immigrants in the UK did not contribute to the economy. It also means that foreign students who study in the UK will bring their family members to apply for immigration to the UK.

Bai Feiwen undoubtedly sounded the clarion call for the British government to kick out the new immigrants.

Europe faces astonishingly high inflation, soaring fuel prices, exponentially rising electricity bills, and people’s lives are miserable. Even if the local government heavily subsidizes it, it is still far more expensive than before. The dissatisfaction of the people is extremely high, and politicians transfer the grievances of the people to immigrants, forming an anti-immigration wave.

The right-wing storm in Europe has brought down the Swedish government. Sweden’s elections ended in mid-September, and the left-wing bloc led by former Prime Minister Andreessen won 173 seats, losing by a small minority to the 176 seats of the right-wing bloc led by conservative Christerson. Tesson came to power.

The slogan of Sweden’s right-wing groups is very popular, they chanted “Sweden doesn’t need Somali city”. The origin of this slogan is that the Swedish left-wing government adopts a very liberal immigration policy, but new immigrants have become a new force in crime. The areas where immigrants live are often the areas with the most crimes in Sweden. The result was the rise of an anti-immigrant far-right that successfully came to power.

On September 25, Italian elections were held, and the right-wing Italian Brotherhood Alliance won. The leader of the party, Meloni, became Italy’s first female prime minister. Before the election, European Commission President von der Leyen was not afraid to risk the notoriety of interfering in Italian elections, saying that if Italy deviates from democratic principles, the consequences will be very serious. She is undoubtedly threatening that if Italy moves to the right, the EU will stop funding to Italy, as it did recently with Hungary. However, even if von der Leyen intervened in the Italian election, it still might not prevent the right-wing pro-Russian party in Italy from coming to power.

At present, the ruling governments of Hungary and Poland are already right-wing governments, and the moderate left-leaning governments in Europe have fallen one by one, and the right-wing wave is sweeping across Europe.

The United Kingdom is the focus of Hong Kong immigrants. The United Kingdom launched the “5+1” BNO immigration plan, attracting a large number of Hong Kong people to immigrate to the local area. The fatal part of the “5+1” immigration plan is that the first five years are only a temporary right of residence. Whether it can be naturalized depends on whether it can be approved by the British government in the sixth year. It is conceivable that five years from now, the whole of Europe, including the UK, will fall into the hands of right-wing, even far-right parties. The ruling government is not firm enough in anti-immigration and is regarding to fall. So either the current government turns to the right, or a right-wing government comes to power. Since the British Conservative Party itself has a right-leaning trend, there is a chance in the future that politicians with far-right ideas in the Conservative Party will rise up and seize the dominant position in politics.

In fact, the British government has a long history of stifling immigration for national interests. Before the return of Hong Kong, the United Kingdom suddenly and generously approved the BNO immigration plan, so that Hong Kong people do not need to move to the United Kingdom, but directly get their own passports. But following the reunification, the UK has gradually tightened the benefits for those immigrants. One of the measures is that if those with British passports do not immigrate to the UK and pay British taxes, their children studying in the UK will be treated as overseas students. Criteria for paying tuition fees. At that time, Hong Kongers had already vigorously criticized Britain for being mean.

It should be noted that at that time, many Hong Kong people took BNO passports, but did not immigrate to the UK, which had minimal impact on employment in the UK. However, there are many Hong Kong people immigrating to the UK now, and Hong Kong people like to live in one place. The local property prices have been pushed up, and the British will inevitably lose their jobs.

In the future, in Europe, including the United Kingdom, the local anti-immigration ethos will become more and more prosperous. In addition to violent acts once morest immigrants, the government will launch one following another anti-immigration policy according to the popular sentiment. After five years, will the BNO immigration plan for Hong Kong people be implemented? In the end, how many immigrants from Hong Kong and the UK will be approved to become citizens is completely uncertain now.

So people moving to the UK have to weigh the risks of facing an anti-immigration right-wing government.
“Bus Newspaper” is an online newspaper that netizens can read anytime, anywhere with their mobile phones or tablet computers.
Lu Yongxiong



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