Lowest monthly value: decline in asylum applications continued in July

This brings the total to 15,245 applications this year. That is significantly less than in the two previous years (minus 47 percent compared to 2023), but the numbers are already higher than in the entire years 2018, 2019 and 2020. Vienna. The numbers in basic care have now fallen significantly. While almost 79,000 people were cared for at the beginning of the year, there are now around 7,000 fewer. 52 percent of those receiving basic care are displaced persons from Ukraine.

Family reunification dominated at the beginning of the year

The asylum figures for the first seven months show that family reunification dominated the applications, especially at the beginning of the year. In terms of age groups, those aged up to seven are the largest group, and 53 percent of applicants are under 18. The number of female asylum seekers is also unusually high at 45 percent.

On the other hand, illegal migration to Austria is declining sharply, which can be seen above all in the number of arrests in Burgenland. This year, up to mid-August, there were 757 people. In 2022, over 33,000 people were arrested in Burgenland during this period, compared to almost 16,000 in the previous year.

As far as the countries of origin are concerned, the July statistics do not show much new. 50 percent of the applications came from Syrians. Over the first seven months, 61 percent of the applications were made by citizens of this country. The second largest group are Afghans.



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