Lowering the Limit: The Ripple Effect of Stricter Blood Alcohol Laws on Drunk Driving Consequences

The Société d’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) would be in favor of applying administrative sanctions, such as the suspension of a driving license and a fine, to people whose alcohol level exceeds 50 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood, i.e. 0 .05%. The legal limit for an impaired driving charge would remain at 0.08. However, this prerogative of lowering the permitted blood alcohol limit belongs to the government, as explained by Ameli Pineda, journalist at Duty, who carried out an investigation on this subject.

The debate is not new. No government has moved forward with this measure until now, and the Coalition Avenir Québec does not seem to be an exception, according to the journalist. Whether in public safety or public health, everyone agrees that from 0.05, we run 4.5 times more risk of being involved in a road accident, reports Ameli Pineda.



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