“Lower Your Cholesterol Naturally: Top Foods to Incorporate into Your Diet”

2023-05-13 16:20:53

07:15 PM

Saturday, May 13, 2023


High cholesterol causes serious health complications such as heart disease and strokes, so you should be careful and treat it, and there are a group of foods that help reduce harmful cholesterol in the body.

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“It’s the cure, not your enemy,” said Ben Cuthbert, owner of Be You Health Studios.

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The expert recommended the following food options to keep your cholesterol levels in check:

1- Oily fish such as mackerel and salmon.

2- Oats.

3- Beans.

4- Nuts.

5- Apples, grapes, strawberries and oranges.

6- Avocado.

7- Dark green vegetables and leafy vegetables.

“All of these foods can activate an enzyme that allows the extra cholesterol in the body to be converted into bile salts, which helps convert fat into energy,” Cuthbert said.

This process helps lower cholesterol in the body and makes you feel energized.

Heart UK explains that soluble fiber can form a gel that binds to cholesterol-rich bile acids in the gut. This helps reduce the amount of cholesterol that is absorbed from your intestines into your bloodstream.

“Your liver then has to take more cholesterol from your blood to make more bile, which lowers your cholesterol,” says the charity.

Oats are a great source of this powerful soluble fiber and can be enjoyed as breakfasts, snacks, or as an addition to recipes.

Aside from their effect on cholesterol, all of these foods offer a great mix of vitamins, minerals and beneficial plant compounds that can complement other aspects of your health.

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