Lower Your Blood Pressure with Strawberries: Tips, Foods, and Treatment Options

2024-02-12 15:19:21

Doctors call Hypertension The “silent killer” because it is often hidden, and occurs as a result of many factors, but age, genetics, or even the environment may enhance its appearance, in addition to diet, smoking, as well as inactivity and lack of movement, as they are all among its causes.

Bananas lower blood pressure

Foods that help lower high blood pressure

Therefore, there are many foods that help reduce high blood pressure, as revealed by the clinical nutrition and obesity treatment specialist, Dr. Hajar Abdel Dayem, in her interview with the “Sayidaty” camera, said: There are many foods that reduce blood pressure, including fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, watermelon, grapes, yogurt, strawberries, beets, and pomegranates.
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Tips to help lower high blood pressure

Hajar also advised on the need to reduce the salt Replace it with lemon and spices, and also use potassium salt instead Sodium saltDo not use canned food, while maintaining adequate amounts of water daily.

Signs of high blood pressure

It is worth noting that Hypertension It is often accompanied by many symptoms, but there are some non-specific symptoms that can cause alarm, such as:
• Headache in the back of the head or top of the head.
• Vision disorders.
• Difficulties in concentrating.
• Ringing in the ear.
• Vertigo and dizziness.
• Pain in the chest area.
• Heart palpitations.
• Nosebleeds.
• Tired.

Strawberries lower blood pressure

Treatment of most cases

In order to avoid developing arterial hypertension, it is necessary in 90% of cases, the following is recommended:
• Non-smoking.
• Eat a balanced diet. It is preferable to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and vegetable fats at the expense of meat. Also avoid processed foods and drinks that contain caffeine and limit salt consumption.
• Practice regular physical activity (30 minutes of walking a day).
• Maintaining a body mass index of less than 25.
In addition to lifestyle changes for the patient, the doctor may prescribe blood pressure-lowering medications such as beta blockers, diuretics, or converting enzyme inhibitors. angiotensin, Or angiotensin receptor blockers, or inhibitors that target renin, or even Antipsychotics.
You may also be interested in knowing the symptoms of ventricular fibrillation.

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