Lower high blood pressure naturally with the drink

  • Facts and figures all around high blood pressure
  • ingredients and Effect of hibiscus tea
  • study results
  • preparation des Tees

It is often thought that high blood pressure only affects older people; but in truth everyone can even young adults and children, suffer from it. With hibiscus tea you can bring regarding a reduction in high blood pressure as a sufferer.

Everything regarding high blood pressure and the effect of hibiscus tea

Fast every third person in Germany has high blood pressure; this corresponds to a number of regarding 20 to 30 million people. High blood pressure should be taken seriously: it is considered to be Number one risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which in turn are responsible for most deaths. However, treatment is possible and ensures good blood pressure values ​​in three quarters of patients. Often stuck the cause behind obesity and lack of exercise. Other favorable factors are too much salt, nicotine, alcohol consumption, a family history or stress.

Prevents high blood pressure and has a positive effect healthy lifestyle. There are also some home remedies that help lower blood pressure. This category includes, for example, hibiscus tea, which you can easily prepare yourself and which also has a natural effect. An advantage of hibiscus tea: You can use it both cold in summer as well as hot enjoy in the winter season. In terms of taste, the tea can be sweet and sour to be discribed. It provides you with many healthy ingredients such as plenty of vitamin C, fruit acids and antioxidants.

That Vitamin C contributes to your immune system is strengthened. The fruit acids that the tea contains also have an effect dewatering and boosting metabolism, which can help you lose weight. antioxidants ensure that free radicalswhich might promote cancer or rheumatism, are warded off. Verifiable can also the Lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels will. It has been shown that hibiscus tea has a number of other health-promoting effects in addition to the blood pressure-lowering effect.

Hibiscus tea: studies and preparation

One in the magazine “Phytotherapy Research” published comparative study shows that regular consumption of Hibiscus tea can lower high blood pressure; The same result was already achieved in a single study in 2019 im “Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research” was published and a study from 2010 in “The Journal of Nutrition”. A large quantity of the tea is not necessary: ​​it is sufficient if you drink two cups of hibiscus tea daily; for example one in the morning and one in the evening. This can have a positive effect both on the systolic as well as on the diastolic Wert to be determined. In addition to the tea, the study also relied on one nutritionwhich was specially designed for high blood pressure, as well as regular exercise training.

Organic Hibiscus Blossom Tea – view here now

If you buy a ready-made tea in the organic market or in the pharmacy, you should make sure that this one organic quality having. This way you can be sure that there are no pesticide residues in it. At a Pregnancy caution is advised: The diuretic and antispasmodic effects may not be optimal for you as a pregnant woman.

You can have your tea alternatively self made. To do this, you must first collect hibiscus flowers and let them dry. Since you for the tea only the fleshy calyxes you can remove the blossoms before they dry. When the goblets are completely dry, you can put them in an airtight container. To prepare the tea, you need boiling water and a tea strainer, in which you put approx seven grams of the dried flowers give. Pour the water over the flowers and let the tea steep for six to eight minutes. You can then enjoy it hot or let it cool down and following a while drink it cold with ice cubes.


How you drink the hibiscus tea is ultimately up to you: However, it has been scientifically proven that the delicious red drink can have a positive effect on high blood pressure. So it’s worth itto drink this tea daily.

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