lower consumption of psychotropic drugs and better emotional well-being

The results of the Gizarea pilot project, the new care model focused on relationships that the Álava Provincial Council wants to implement in residences for the elderly, show that it favors the lower consumption of psychotropic drugs by residents, and the improvement of well-being of professionals and family members.

This pilot experience was developed from October 2021 to last June in a module of the Lakua residencein which 23 people reside with an average age of 85 years and a psychogeriatric profile, with high dependency ratios, advanced frailty, and severe dementia.

“Los results have been very good and this encourages us to extend the implementation of the model to other residences”, affirmed the regional deputy for Social Policies, Emilio Soladuring the presentation of the results.

The Gizarea care model, promoted by the Álava Provincial Council, favors lower consumption of psychotropic drugs among residents and improves the well-being of professionals and family members

Thus, in residents, improvement is observed in some indirect indicators of quality of life, such as the level of fragilityand especially in the decreased need for psychoactive drugs. On the other hand, in families there is a greater emotional well-being and greater satisfaction with care received by admitted relatives. And, in the professional team, the decreased feeling of stress and work pressureand increases the feeling of emotional well-being.

As highlighted by the regional deputy for Social Policies, the Gizarea care model, It goes beyond person-centered care to be person-centered. relationships between professionals, family members and residents”. In this first phase, aimed at people with advanced dementia “who cannot express their desires or needs”Gizarea seeks “a greater involvement of families in care, a greater emotional involvement of the professionals, and an improvement in the well-being of users, workers and families”indicates Emilio Sola.

The process began with professional and family training, separately, but above all together, “which is an innovative aspect. This training has succeeded in promoting another type of relationships, much closer, affective, and empathicemphasizes the regional deputy.

Reduction in the consumption of psychoactive drugs and less frailty

Since the beginning of the implementation of the Gizarea model, it has been appreciated, especially in the opinion of the families, a decrease in behavioral symptomswith a significant reduction in the administration of psychoactive drugs (antidepressants, anxiolytics, hypnotics and neuroleptics) if they were needed, and which was confirmed in June with a lower regimen of these drugs.

Thus, they have reduced dose or completely suppressed these drugs in 54% of people. Also, it has reduced brittleness indexthat is, of vital prognosis, going from advanced frailty to moderate frailty.

Family satisfaction with care has grown from 26.8 to 29 points (out of a maximum of 30) and, in terms of their emotional well-beingpositive emotions have increased and negative ones have decreased, as well as the feeling of loneliness.

Reduced stress and improved emotional well-being

Regarding the socio-health personnel, the work stress index has been reduced by 12 points percentage and its severity, in 15 points. The labor pressure index has fallen by 13 points and its severity has plummeted by more than 21 points. As for his emotional Wellbeing, the overall score has gone from 7.4 (out of ten) to 7.88. The growing feeling of commitment to work and its meaning stands out, especially the positive emotions generated.

In the opinion of Emilio Sola, “These data show that we are carrying out a very serious project, that we believe will have a long way to go in our residences, and that improves the quality of life of professionals and family members. And that this building and improvement of relationships seems improve the quality of life for residentsespecially, in the need for drugs”.

Given this positive initial balance, the Provincial Council of Álava will continue to develop the Gizarea model in all its aspects and resources. The next step of the Gizarea model within the Lakua residence is create new internal structures between family members and professionalsto act in the phases of reception in the center and hygiene of the elderly.

In addition, this project will be extended in the coming months to a second Lakua module, and to the residences Etxebideafor people with severe intellectual disability, and Ajuriafor the elderly, as well as to the residence of Arabswhose vacancies will all be arranged with the Provincial Council and which will open soon.



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