Low sodium diet: does it make you lose weight?

The low sodium dietis so called, in this sense limit sodium as much as possible and therefore the consumption of foods that contain it. Experts believe that it is indicated to counter and prevent certain problems, such as Water retention and the cellulite. We can therefore consider the low-sodium diet as a low sodium diet which is prescribed primarily to control high blood pressure, a condition that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In this direction reduce salt it is important both to prevent hypertension and to reduce it in people who already have hypertension.
Following a low-sodium diet means not only limiting the use of table salt, but also reducing the consumption of all foods to which salt is added during preparation and storage. In particular, the foods that contain the most salt are cold cuts and cheeses, canned meats and some baked goods. A diet low in sodium by limiting the consumption of foods containing salt can indeed also be defined as a low calorie diet.
You may be wondering if a a low-salt diet can also make us lose weight? Indeed, if it is associated with the practice of a physical activity it can make you lose weight. In this sense, it is also useful to prevent or counteract cellulite because reducing salt avoids water retention which is one of the causes of cellulite itself. In addition, as it is a low-fat diet, the consumption of cold meats and cheeses is reduced and thus prevents hypercholesterolemia, also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Low-sodium diet: foods to eliminate or limit
Experts suggest first remove cooking salt which can be usefully replaced by other spices, such as aromatic herbs. To eliminate certain condiments such as mayonnaise, butter, ketchup, cubes, margarine and ready-to-use sauces.
Avoid or in any case limit the consumption of meats and cheeses, pastries, pizzas, bread and desserts.
Avoid oily fish such as eel and certain fish preserved in oil such as tuna and smoked fish.
Avoid fatty meats and egg yolks and all foods that contain saturated or hydrogenated fats.

Low-sodium diet: authorized foods
Green light at lean meats for example turkey, chicken, rabbit, veal.
For what concern latte skimmed or part-skim, low-fat yogurt and fresh cheeses such as ricotta or mozzarella are allowed.
i am allowed carbohydratesif integral.
For what concern poisson yes to blue fish and also hake, sea bream and cod.
Regarding the fat Vegetable oils are allowed, especially extra virgin olive oil as a condiment.
You can consume the potatoes as long as they are not fried in envelopes.
Regarding the cereals consumption of rice, oats, barley, and unsalted bread and baked goods is permitted as long as they are low in sodium.
L’the water it is preferable that it is low in sodium.
Obviously it will always be the nutritionist or the dietician who will be able to establish on a case-by-case basis the food menu to follow as well as the frequency and the quantities of food.



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