Love: for better or for worse?

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On the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Priorité Santé offers a special program on love with your questions and testimonies, on this sometimes idealized love, embodied by a partner capable of going through all the trials by our side, ” the girl who will listen to us, the boy who will open doors for us ».

Doesn’t this quest for amorous perfection risk turning into a quest for the impossible? Are the power of certain feelings and the imprint of our personal history such as to make us sometimes accept the unacceptable? Passion, fusion, love… How to identify the nature and intensity of our feelings? What to do when the couple can no longer communicate? How to recover from a disappointment? Should we consult to move forward?

  • Geraldyne Prevot Gigant, psychopractitioner, specialist in affective dependence and the question of love. Author of The strength of encounterpublished by Odile Jacob.

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