“Love confession” to Austrian Moore: More than 44 million euros by 2033

On Thursday, Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens) highlighted the importance of the moors at a joint press conference with the Ministry of Water Management (BML) and the responsible state councilors and made a “love confession to the wetlands”.

According to a study by the Federal Environment Agency, around 90 percent of Austria’s moors are in an extremely critical condition. Gewessler emphasized that we had to “discover the love for the moors once more”. Because these make a valuable contribution to environmental and climate protection, it was said at the press conference at the Climate Protection Ministry (BMK).

“True climate heroes”

“Moors are true climate heroes and store large amounts of carbon,” explained the responsible Vorarlberg environmental councilor Daniel Zadra (Greens). In addition, the estimated 30,000 hectares of moorland across Austria play a special role in flood protection, as Monika Mörth, responsible section head in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and Regions (BML), emphasized. However, when they dry out, they constantly release greenhouse gases (CO2 and nitrous oxide) and can no longer keep up with storing water. “Intact moors are also home to highly specialized animals and plants,” added the minister.

13 work packages were put together – from the implementation of renaturation measures, to knowledge building and awareness-raising measures, to the exchange with all stakeholders. All states, the BMK and the BML as well as the universities of Vienna and Kiel are involved in the ten-year project. Relative to its area, Vorarlberg has the largest proportion of moorland and is therefore the lead at AMooRe. As part of an EU funding program, 60 percent (26.5 million euros) of the project amount is made available. Most of the remaining funds come from the states along with a small portion from the federal government.

By 2033, the aim is to develop, among other things, the Austrian Moor Strategy 2030+ and the foundations for the further period up to 2050. Specifically, this means restoring the ecological balance on an area of ​​1,400 hectares together with the landowners, the ministry said.


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