Lourdes Arrieta continues to vent: She shares a liberal project to shorten deadlines for condemning genocide

2024-08-26 04:46:00

After sharing on his Lourdes Arrieta deepened the EU’s crisis by issuing “bills and decrees” on Sunday night. Regulations proposed by WhatsApp group members (LLA representatives), Forcing judges to release genocidal perpetrators”. The projects aim to reduce criminal sentences to a maximum of 25 years and achieve a “progressive early release mechanism”.

Since his expulsion from the “powers of heaven” was taken for granted, The young deputy continued to publicize internal issues in a WhatsApp group created in Februaryrepresented by libertarian representatives together with Fr. Javier Oliveira RavasiThe son of Major Jorge Antonio Oliveira, he was under house arrest for four years on the run for his involvement in crimes against humanity.

In this way, Arrieta creates different threads on X (formerly Twitter) Screenshots of official project pagesand condemned his fellow officers: “Attempting to allow those responsible for crimes against humanity to go unpunished. This is not the President’s agenda @JMilei. I am very aware that these projects have nothing to do with liberal ideals. I will not allow the law to be manipulated behind Milai’s back“, he distinguished.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

Late Saturday, Arrieta had published a lengthy post in which he told What are the logistics of a legislator’s visit to Ezeisa?was initiated because, according to Father Ravasi, “the courts (first of all Lorenzetti)” were revoking all house arrests of genocidal perpetrators by lower courts in order to “continue the typical Marxist dialectic”. Due to this incident, they added a WhatsApp group Attorneys Ricardo Saint Jean and Laura Olea and “A former judge of the Supreme Court of Appeal who was dismissed for allegedly accepting bribes and having links to SIDE agents, Eduardo RiggiArrieta explained.

Olea sent two billsthese lawyers have arrived in Torello a reasonable period of time to standardize the process To amend the Criminal Enforcement Act, the Criminal Code, and the Criminal Procedure Code; and a Supervision Act Including anti-human reasonsthe deputy explained. at this point.

What Arrieta reveals about the project: Denialism, impunity and the door to a new military coup

In one of the plans revealed by Arrieta, it was argued that the right to life “is at risk throughout the country due to the insecurity caused by the growth of crime and the scourge of narco-terrorism, especially Essential for easing the workload on federal courts” to improve judicial administration. Therefore, we seek that “regardless of the standard of time prescribed by every state or federal court with respect to the guarantee that a person must be tried within a reasonable time, or the rights of citizens being determined within a reasonable time, The maximum period within which the state must render a final judgment in substantiating any criminal charge is twenty-five years. Made for one person.”

Strikingly, the draft decree (that is, if enacted, it would have to be signed by the president of the country) understands that “the term will govern from the date of commission of the crime If the victim is a minor, calculation starts from the age of majority If the country’s democratic life is interrupted, it will be suspended through the illegal removal of three of its national authorities. Termination of criminal proceedings due to non-viability Guarantees established by the principles of our courts,” he added.

The guarantee of a maximum period of 25 years “does not apply to persons who have fled from justice or who have been declared rebels in the process”. “Reasonable time” project insists on “Persons accused of crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes have the right to an immediate trial”, given that “it is impossible to strengthen justice and consolidate internal peace without unrestricted respect for the constitutional guarantees that protect everyone equally and without any form of discrimination.” Argues that genocidal perpetrators are discriminated against because they would otherwise be deprived of their “human condition,” thus violating equality before the law..

10082024_deputies_repressors_dictatorship_prison_cedoc_g LLA representatives stand with the suppressors of the last military-civilian dictatorship

The same reasoning has been used to suggest the unconstitutionality of the Constitution. Temporary departure is prohibitedbecause “these provisions violate the principle of equality before the law.” “The few arguments that can be traced as to the reasons for the above divisions (…) can hardly be considered constitutionally valid, since they are based on Dangerous standards incompatible with fundamental rights and guarantees There are provisions in our legal system. Therefore, a distinction based on a distinction that goes beyond the parameters of criminal law conduct and is based on personal qualities The offender here in question should have held, Attempted to improperly provide differential treatment and inequality, operating under such conditions as a presumption law and law Against him,” he criticized.

At the same time, the bill specifically addressing “reasonable periods” adheres to the statute’s proposition, but proposes a The maximum period is “twenty years from the date of state awareness”“The statute of limitations relates to the seriousness of the allegation; and The effectiveness of public proceedings relates to the principle of innocence and the rights to liberty and privacy He noted that stakeholders were ridiculed for excessive and unnecessarily lengthy procedures.

Finally, Arrieta issued a regulatory order condemning: “We believe that human rights policy is the only national policy that looks back to the past,” and expressed condolences for the genocidal perpetrators who died in prison: “As of December 2022, the total number of people who have been asked to investigate by the Prosecutor’s Office at least once during the course of the trial is 3,640. All commanders-in-chief of the armed forces during the dictatorship, as well as the corps, regions and The most important hierarchical figure in state repression in the 1970s. More than 800 former military, police, prison staff and civilians After this process, they die in captivity Over the years,” he details.

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“Case against humanity awaiting final judgment only targets Former state agents, who in many cases have been sentenced to four to five life sentencesno additional day of imprisonment may be added, The person who was in a subordinate position at the time of the incident was detained Officers of the Armed Forces as well as non-commissioned officers and prison staff, agents and junior police officers of police forces throughout the country, Bakyanos, former judges, prosecutors and For some time now, so have entrepreneurs or company managers who are over 80 and 90 years old”, lamented the liberal project.

The statute then occupies Theory of Two Demons And pointed out: “On the contrary, targeting Guerrilla leaders and perpetrators of bomb attacks Incidents that resulted in hundreds of law enforcement and civilian victims were archived because it was believed that such crimes were punished by a law called “Punto Final” approved during the administration of President Raul Alfonsín and enacted by President Carlos Menem Provisions and Protections of Pardons. 70, 80, 90 years old, no criminal record throughout his career“, while “more than $3.4 billion has been allocated to pay compensation to relatives and victims of state terrorism.”

The plan believes that the goal of implementing punitive punishments and preventing the recurrence of political persecution and torture such as kidnapping, torture, missing corpses, and appropriation of babies has “been overachieved.” Finally, when a dictatorship is called ““The internal armed conflict that swept the country in the 1970s” and proposed a “truth process” to ensure better outcomes “such as the peace that ensues” Colombia, El Salvador and other sister countries The African continent suffers from internal armed conflicts with tragic consequences”.

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