Lots of Theatre at the CEC

The ACTUAR collective, with the support of the Rosario Culture Secretariat, announced the results of the call for independent artists to perform on Thursdays in September and October at La Comedia and El CEC.

Get to know all the works in the rosario.gob.ar page.

The works presented at the CEC:

Thursday 10/10: To the slaughterhouse

A free version of a classic of Argentine literature. A researcher delves into national history to reconstruct the crime narrated in “El Matadero” by Esteban Echeverría, a founding work of modern Argentine narrative.

Thursday 17/10: The Crypt. Theatrical Exhumation. (Dance)

The Crypt, Theatrical Exhumation.
Voices and visions that manifest.
End of the world.
Collapsed systems.
Fragile fiction
A real space that becomes scenic.
And real again.
And scenic again.

Thursday 10/24: Native Species.

López Echagüe is a prosecutor in charge of the investigation into the fires on the islands. The need to save his prestige and the romantic vision he has of justice, inspired by a literary character he met as a child, lead him on a journey with Ramón, a fisherman from these shores, in order to
to find those responsible and stop the ecocide.



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