Lots of shooting stars tonight due to annual meteor shower: Read here what time

Lots of shooting stars tonight due to annual meteor shower: Read here what time

Photo: Tengyart By: Olaf Knook Mon 12 Aug, 20:30 General

STEENBERGEN – The annual Perseid meteor shower is coming again. During the peak night of Monday 12 to Tuesday 13 August, an expected 85 meteors per hour can fall. These shooting stars do not only come from the Perseids, but also from other meteor showers and meteors.

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Up until now it has been relatively quiet with the number of shooting stars. Although a few were visible now and then, the number per hour was relatively small and not spectacular. But with the arrival of the Perseids that changes. During the peak night we can expect an average of about 85 meteors per hour.

The Perseids are not only visible on the peak night, but also in the days before and after. During the peak night we can expect 40 to 55 shooting stars of the Perseids. If we include the meteors of other showers, we can see a maximum of 65 meteors per hour in a dark and clear sky.

Best viewing moments

The best time to look is on Tuesday, August 13 at 4:00 AM, during the peak of the Perseid shower. The days before and after the peak night are also when the most shooting stars can be seen around this time. Even on August 16, there may still be around 22 shooting stars visible.

Two years ago, the Perseids were barely visible due to the full moon. This year, however, the moon will not spoil the fun and many shooting stars are expected to be visible in dark locations. In large cities, the available light will reduce visibility.

Anyone who wants to see shooting stars should look in an east to northeast direction on a clear night until August 17. The Perseids are moving through space at a speed of almost 214,000 kilometers per hour. It will start to get dark around 5:45 a.m. and the sun will rise at 6:21 a.m. on August 13.

What are shooting stars?
Shooting stars are small pieces of space debris that enter our atmosphere. When this happens, these stones glow and create a light trail, also called a meteor.



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