“Lost decade” and “Argentines cry every day”: the opposition critic of Cristina Kirchner’s act

2023-05-26 01:57:00

The main referents of the opposition came out to question This Thursday, May 25, the act of the Vice President Cristina Kirchner in the Plaza de Mayo and agreed that “their government is not shitting”. “Lost decade” and “Argentines cry every day” were other of the most critical phrases.

In the midst of the massive act, the former president Mauricio Macri reacted to the vice president’s statements regarding the debt contracted by the Government of Cambiemos with the International Monetary Fund.

The PRO leader shared a message from the economist on his Twitter account Fernando Marullwho posted a graph that shows the volume of currency income since the current government took office, compared to the amount paid to the Monetary Fund and the loss of reserves.

Cristina was escorted by Wado de Pedro and Massa, but her finger did not point to any candidate

“And now?” Macri said in the act of Cristina Kirchner

“And now?” Macri asked on Twitterin an attempt to place the responsibility for the lack of foreign currency on the national government, for not having taken advantage of the significant influx of dollars for the export of agricultural products since December 2019. .

According to Marull’s publication, the USD 110,000 million in income from agricultural exports since 2019 contrasts with the USD 825 million that was paid to the Fund and the USD 13,500 million that were lost in the Central Bank’s reserves in the same period.

“When they tell you that dollars are missing ‘due to the debt with the IMF,’ just send them this graph, with a ‘Besis,'” wrote the economist in the message that accompanied the graph reproduced by Macri.

For her part, the presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich He said in a Twitter post: “What began 20 years ago ends like this: with a ruinous, poor, undercapitalized, uncultivated country. Better than talking is looking at the faces of Argentines, who cry every day. We are going to put things in their place, once and for all.”

Cristina Kirchner in Plaza de Mayo. PHOTO: AFP

In turn, the governor of Jujuy and presidential candidate of the UCR, Gerardo Morales, cataloged the act of the former head of state as “pathetic”. “Pathetic act by @CFKArgentina. She does not take charge of her government, she makes arbitrary use of recent history to fall to a halt. She will fall to a stop in her imagination, but the people sink into reality,” the radical evaluated in his networks social.

The head of the block of national deputies of the UCR, Mario Negriaffirmed that “Cristina Kirchner paid tribute to a ‘decade won’ but history showed that it was ‘lost decade´”. “That is why today, 20 years later, young people have distanced themselves from Kirchnerism, since the Frente de Todos is not capable of offering a better future. Only nostalgic and erratic speeches”, considered the Cordovan in his account of the social network Twitter.

Meanwhile, the senator and candidate for governor of Mendoza alfredo cornejo He added: “@CFKArgentina no longer has speeches left that can hide the tragedy generated by the Kirchner governments. There are more poor people, more inequality and less future. They sank the country. Now we Argentines must reverse their disastrous legacy.”

Cristina Kirchner: “They want to kill me or put me in jail, I am from the town and I don’t move from there”

The national deputy of Avanza Libertad, José Luis Espertalso left his opinion on Twitter: “Cristina says that the Argentine economy must be unhooked from the international prices of our commodities and for this an “articulation between the public and the private” is needed. That is what Kirchnerism has been doing since 2003 and we did not stop breaking inflation and poverty records. Bullshit… as she just said.”

“How ignorant you think Cristina is in economics. What a way to say nonsense,” he added and concluded: “The victimizer of a starving people, becoming the victim. More false, it is not possible”.

Milei responded to Cristina Kirchner

The deputy and presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, affirmed that the vice president represents the “seigniorage” as well as the opposition coalition of Together for Change.

It is that the head of the Senate criticized him once more during his act in the Plaza de Mayo. The former president pointed out during her speech that when the “false dollarization” during Menemism fell, “everything exploded” and continued: “Today we see disciples and collaborators of that clear-eyed minister (Domingo Cavallo) explain what they are going to to do, to us, who do not have titles of economists because we are simple lawyers…”.

“We were the kukas who paid the fixed-term deposits with the Boden 12, the bond that was given to each one of those who, when they went to look for the dollars and pesos at the banks, were not there,” stressed the former representative.

From his Twitter account, the libertarian came out at the crossroads: “In the end, CFK and Together for Change, at the time of robbing Argentines of good with seigniorage are the same… Do you realize they are the same? They even repeat the same lies“.

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Cristina Kirchner in Plaza de Mayo. PHOTO: Pablo Cuarterolo

The Rural Society said that the “anti-countryside ideology of Cristina Kirchner cannot cover up reality”

The Rural Society also joined the criticism of Vice President Cristina Kirchner’s speech. The entity warned that “Cristina Kirchner’s anti-countryside ideology cannot cover up the reality” of the country.

“Once more the Vice President once more attacks the most dynamic sector of the economy for its anti-farm ideologycovering up reality,” said the head of La Rural, Nicholas Pino.

He wants to make us enemies of societyignoring that we are part of the solution to Argentina’s problems,” said the leader. He said that Cristina Kirchner “ruled our country twice and we never knew what was the direction of the sector that today she claims to be clear regarding.”

Cristina Kirchner called the Supreme Court a “true unworthy jerk”

And he assured that “despite having had terrible policies for the sector within his management, some productions grew but prevented development for the entire country.”

“She keeps talking regarding 2008 and a drought that this year caused the country to lose more than 25 billion dollars in foreign currency generation and today, being vice president, she didn’t worry for a second regarding the producers and commercial links that we are experiencing. wrong,” Pino said.

And regarding the act in Plaza de Mayo, the agricultural leader pointed out: “Of course, we contribute with our taxes so that she spends a silver fortune in putting together a partisan show in the middle of a national party“.


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