Loss of respect between spouses is the first step to separation (video)

Marital problems top the headlines of newspapers and pages of social networking sites. In fact, the corridors of family courts are crowded with lawsuits between divorce and dissolution, due to the failure to open channels of communication and end disputes without resorting to separation, which is arranged with a bad psychological impact for both parties, and in the presence of children it is very difficult.

Dr. Mohamed Hani, a mental health consultant, offers some solutions and how to deal with marital violence, stressing that the most important thing on which a successful married life is built is mutual respect. Between them and the convergence of points of view.

During his speech to the constitution, Hani added that marriage is not only love, but that a life partner must be chosen that is compatible with me intellectually, and that the other party should not be underestimated and always feel insulted and belittled his own opinions. When the couple reaches the point of insulting each other, they lack credibility in Dealing, which leads to beating, which has a psychological impact, of course, is very bad.

He suggested the need to return to talking regarding pre-marital tests, how to deal with different pressures, and whether one of the two parties is actually mentally ill, as there are many people with mental illness, but no one knows and is not diagnosed correctly.

And regarding how to deal, he said: The husband and wife have needs and a part of privacy that both parties need. Affection and mercy mean treating with kindness. The percentage of spinsterhood among girls and men reached 14 million, including 2.5 to 3 million young men. The negative models that are currently leading have made many reluctance A young man for marriage.

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