Losing weight by sleeping more is possible

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  2. Science

published by Hugo Plassot-Moizan on Feb 20, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

The sleep is one of the best allies to keep in shape. A study has just been carried out to deal with the impact of sleep on our weight. Indeed, according to the results, sleeping more would have a positive impact on the balance in the morning. Several factors come into play in this phenomenon.

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Sleeping more can help you lose weight

Health problems related to weight are increasingly important in society. In France, more than 10% of the population is considered obese. An important scientific study has been carried out on the impact of sleep on our body and our weight. It might be that for people who are overweight or in a situation of obesity, the fact ofextend their sleep time helps them lose weight.

The study was carried out on a panel of 80 people aged 21 to 40. On average they had to sleep less than 6.5 hours per night. In addition, they had to have a BMI (body mass index) of between 25 and 30, i.e. in a situation of overweight. Namely that a person is considered obese when his BMI is over 30.

study of science

A specific study

The aim of this survey was to measure two elements, the duration of nocturnal sleep measured with a monitor and the amount of calories absorbed each day measured through a urine test. The 80 patients were divided into two groups. For the group that was guided, the duration of sleep was lengthened by 1.2 hours per night on average more. Thus, the energy intake decreased by 270 kcal per day on average in this same group. Put simply, the longer the patients slept, the more they reduced their caloric intake in the following day.

The researchers were therefore able to conclude that there was a link between the decrease calorie intake and sleep duration. We can therefore affirm here that a good dose of sleep allows you first of all to be in good shape the next morning, but also can prevent obesity.

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