Lose Weight with Soup Diet: Recipes and Tips for a Successful Soup Diet Plan

2023-11-09 07:58:00

A soup is tasty and low in calories at the same time. So what might be better than trying a soup diet? There are various ways to accelerate weight loss with clear broths or heartier stews. We’ll tell you what you should know regarding it here.

Soup diet: a real slimming agent

If you want to declare war on your hip gold, you should try a soup diet. Because low-calorie food with a high water content is ideal for losing weight. And especially in winter, the soothing soups are perfect for a diet. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the much talked regarding cabbage soup. All soups that consist primarily of fruit or vegetables, for example carrot soup or lentil soup, can be used as recipes for losing weight. Both have a low energy density and keep you full for a long time. You can even do a soup diet with pure broth, as our first example diet shows.

In the clip: This is how you can lose weight with the soup diet

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Slow diet with vegetable broth

In the first variant, the vegetable broth is essentially a supplement to normal eating habits. Are you hungry once more and would you like to prepare a portion of pasta? Then start with a cup of vegetable broth as a starter. The clear soup satisfies your first hunger and also provides vitamins, minerals and fiber. Once the soup has been consumed with relish, you automatically take a smaller portion of the main course because your stomach is already somewhat full. This effectively helps in losing weight. A cup of soup can also help with hunger pangs in between meals. With only around 20 calories per serving, the vegetable broth is very low in calories.

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Tea can also be very helpful in losing weight. In fact, the right spices also help with a diet. And if you want to lose weight, you can even eat cheese – cottage cheese in particular is suitable for losing weight. And here are tips on how to keep up with fasting during Lent. We’ll also tell you what’s behind the false fasting diet trend. Also: Grill healthily: The best diet tips for low-calorie grilling. The rice paper diet is currently very trendy – we’ll tell you what’s behind it.

Soup diet as a fasting cure

In addition, the broth has such positive properties that it is ideal for a fasting cure. Not only does the vegetable broth hardly put any strain on the organism, the soup also has a positive effect on inflammation in the body. During a week-long soup diet with vegetable broth – actually almost a fasting diet – you mainly consume vegetable soup. However, depending on the plan, this is supplemented with vegetables or other foods. A weight loss plan might look like this:

Day 1: Vegetable broth, fruitDay 2: Vegetable broth, baked potato with low-fat quark, vegetablesDay 3: Vegetable broth, fruit and raw vegetablesDay 4: Vegetable broth, skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt and bananasDay 5: Vegetable broth, tomatoes and low-fat poultryDay 6: Vegetable broth, salad, green vegetables and red MeatDay 7: Vegetable broth, vegetables, whole grain rice

However, you should not follow this extreme form of the vegetable broth diet for more than a week. That wouldn’t be healthy. Even if weight loss is a side effect, such a soup diet should primarily contribute to a detoxification treatment. With this crash diet, experience has shown that when you lose weight, the body primarily loses water and muscle mass. Be sure to consult a doctor before attempting this extreme form of diet.

Get your dream weight with a cabbage soup diet

For her role as Bridget Jones, Renee Zellweger gained weight, then lost it once more in no time – in true celebrity style – with a cabbage soup diet. In addition to this magical secret weapon, only fruits and vegetables were on the menu. What to expect from this star diet? We’ll tell you!

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Renee Zellweger’s secret recipe

Two principles, two phases: In order to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, Renee Zellweger combines the cabbage soup diet with the Atkins diet. The latter is used in phase two. But first of all: nothing but cabbage soup for a week, and it consists of all kinds of vegetables such as carrots, celery, tomatoes, leeks and peppers as well as herbs and spices. It’s important to only eat when you’re hungry, then the pounds will fall off on their own – because cabbage has hardly any calories. In the first phase of this soup diet, anything that tastes good but also makes you fat is absolutely taboo, namely bread, alcohol, sugar and fatty foods.

After a week, the cabbage soup diet is replaced by the Atkins diet, but carbohydrates are still largely avoided. Low-carb snacks, protein and fats are allowed when hunger strikes. Very important: drink lots of water, lemon water can also help you lose weight. If the desired weight is within reach, there will be more carbohydrates, but exercise should not be neglected either. The carbohydrate intake is increased step by step as long as the weight remains stable. If you gain weight, the carbohydrates are reduced once more.

Lose weight successfully with cabbage soup and low-carb?

If you want to try out the soup diet with lots of cabbage yourself, you can look forward to rapid weight loss, but the cabbage soup diet should not last longer than a week, otherwise deficiency symptoms can occur that are harmful to your health. In addition, the body rapidly breaks down muscle mass due to a lack of proteins. But probably the most unpleasant thing is that many people cannot tolerate cabbage and tend to get flatulence. So the diet literally stinks to high heaven.

Soup diet recipes

Luckily, there are many more options than just cabbage soup. If you are looking for delicious recipes for the soup diet, you should definitely try out the following variants and consider cooking a healthy lentil or savoy cabbage stew more often.

Carrot soup: low in calories and delicious

For the carrot soup you need an onion, olive oil, a bunch of carrots, an orange, vegetable broth, low-fat quark, salt and pepper. Chop the onion finely, peel the carrots and cut them into cubes. Sauté the onions in olive oil until translucent and add the carrots. After three minutes, pour vegetable broth over the whole thing, add the orange juice and let the soup simmer for twenty minutes. You can then puree the soup, refine it with low-fat quark and season with salt and pepper. Perfect for the soup diet! How much broth you need depends on your own taste.

Also interesting: You can do all this with onions or lose weight with celery – that’s how it works

Carrot soup is perfect for losing weight. We have a simple diet recipe for you© IMAGO/Zoonar

Lentil soup brings a lot of protein

Lentil soup is an excellent recipe for a soup diet, as its high protein content keeps you full for a long time and prevents cravings. Sauté an onion in oil until translucent and add chopped ginger, carrots, garlic and dried red lentils. After you have poured vegetable broth on the vegetables, let the whole thing simmer for 15 minutes. Now all you need to do is puree the soup, refine it with coconut milk and season with cayenne pepper, chili and salt.

The basis of every soup diet: vegetable broth

You can easily make vegetable broth yourself. Celery, leeks, carrots and greens are typically used for this. However, you can also add other vegetables, fresh or frozen. For two liters of the soup, which you can also prepare and freeze before starting the soup diet, you need the following ingredients:

600 grams of vegetables 1 onion 1 tablespoon olive oil fresh herbs sea salt pepper First wash the vegetables thoroughly. Then it is chopped into small pieces. Heat the oil in a pan. The crunchy vegetables are now briefly sautéed. Pour two liters of water over the whole thing. Now it’s time to simmer. After three quarters of an hour, the solid components can be filtered out. That smells wonderful. A little more seasoning and the basic ingredient for any soup diet is ready. Fresh herbs, pepper and salt give the clear soup the finishing touch.

By the way, instant soup is not really an alternative to homemade soup. Flavor enhancers and preservatives are often hidden here. So making it yourself is worth it – and usually tastes better too. Also top model Heidi Klum prefers to cook herself with her children.

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