Lose 10kg a year without dieting! Famous doctors personally teach 4 secrets to lose weight in the elderly

Once a person gets older, he tends to gain weight. Many senior students, even though they don’t have a lot of money in their pockets, are veritable “big belly men and little belly women”. Weight loss specialist Qiu Zhenghong is 62 years old this year, but he still maintains a good figure. He revealed that he has no big belly at all, and even has abdominal and pectoral muscles. How did he do it? A few days ago, he personally appeared on the online program “If the Cloud Knows” hosted by health anchor Zheng Kaiyun to share the weight loss secrets of the seniors.

Why is it easy to gain weight when you are old?

Qiu Zhenghong explained that people tend to gain weight when they get older, not only because of physiological changes, but also because of the influence of the living environment. Physiologically, the body gradually degenerates following aging, and the secretion of growth hormone, which can accelerate the breakdown of fat, decreases, and fat is easy to accumulate; when women reach menopause, estrogen decreases, and testosterone in the body increases relatively, which will lead to “medium-wide obesity” in women like boys , Sometimes it looks like a boy’s figure from the back.

Changes in the living environment, such as before retirement, people drive to and from work every day, and are often in a high-pressure work environment, busy with many things, adrenaline secretion is very strong, so they are less likely to gain weight; but following retirement, following waking up If you have nothing to do all day long, slow down your life, eat followingnoon tea, and sit and watch TV at home at night, etc., the combination of various factors can easily lead to obesity.

The wrong way for the elderly to lose weight bargain 2Serious consequences

Qiu Zhenghong said that the elderly cannot lose weight in the same way as young people. Young people can lose weight rapidly because their bodies can cope with it. However, the elderly’s physical function declines. Once they lose weight quickly, two terrible problems will arise. One is “muscle “Sarcopenia”, rapid weight loss will lead to muscle loss, and the good muscles will be lost instead of fat loss. After sarcopenia occurs, chronic diseases will increase.

Another problem is “osteoporosis”. In addition to calcium, there is a lot of protein in the bone. If the weight loss does not increase the protein, when the protein ratio decreases, the bone will become loose, which will easily lead to fractures. Fractures will make people bedridden. According to statistics, bedridden 1/4 of those who die within a year, so be careful.

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The elderly should not be too thin to lose weight Recommended BMIvalue is 24

Qiu Zhenghong pointed out that according to statistics, the death curve and body weight present a U-shape. In general, whether young people are too thin or too fat, the death rate will increase significantly, but the death curve of the elderly is relatively flat, that is to say, the elderly lose weight. You don’t need to force yourself to be too thin. It is recommended that the BMI value fall to 24.

Qiu Zhenghong emphasized that the purpose of presenting this statistic is not to encourage people not to lose weight, but to remind everyone to gain weight in the right place. If the weight is focused on muscle mass, the health status will be better, and if the weight is focused on fat, it will be unhealthy.

How to lose weight to reduce body fat without losing muscle mass?

Qiu Zhenghong said that if you want to lose weight without losing muscle mass, you can check from two levels: diet and life:

Diet remember “3more than 3less

3 More means “more vegetables, more fiber, more protein”. “Multi-vegetable” means to eat more vegetables, but you don’t need to deliberately eat too much fruit, just a moderate amount to avoid high blood sugar; “Multi-fiber” means to eat more dietary fiber, such as adding more whole grains to white rice, or eating brown rice and miscellaneous grains Noodles; “more protein” means eating more protein. Not only do people who are developing need protein, but people also need it when they are old. For middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s, the daily protein requirement is 1 gram per kilogram, but for the elderly, It should be increased to 1.2 grams per kilogram. If the weight is 60 kilograms, the protein should be 72 grams, drink at least two glasses of milk a day, and eat regarding one fist-sized chicken or fish for each of the three meals. This is basically enough .

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3 Less means “less sugar, less oil, less starch”. “Less sugar” means not to eat too sweet, such as fruits, try to choose foods with more fiber and not too high in sweetness; “less oil” includes fried things and don’t eat them often, especially sugar-oil mixtures should be avoided as much as possible; “Less starch” refers to foods that provide calories such as rice and pasta. If you eat less, you can slowly lose weight.

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Qiu Zhenghong added that for those who are just starting to lose weight, they should eat more than 3. The overall consumption can not be reduced at first, and the adjustment should be made from the increase ratio; in addition, in order to have healthy bones, besides protein, calcium supplementation is also very important , eat more calcium intake, milk, eggs, seafood, fish, nuts, etc. are all sources of protein; at the same time, pay attention to maintaining healthy teeth, good teeth can improve food digestibility, and thus increase absorption rate.

See more: What do elders eat to prevent osteoporosis?Doctors recommend 5 high-calcium foods and do one more thing to promote calcium absorption

3 points of life: go outdoors more, increase exercise, bask in the sun

The tendency of the elderly to gain weight is also related to changes in lifestyle. Qiu Zhenghong suggested that they can take part in more outdoor activities and increase the amount of exercise. It is very simple to get rid of fat, it is to let the body have the opportunity to burn fat, and the dynamic is better than static sitting, like watching TV, you can stand and watch, move your feet by the way, lift it, stand still, don’t always Do static activities.

In addition, to avoid osteoporosis, it is recommended to walk fast at ordinary times, but it is better to ensure safety and stability, so as not to fall or strain muscles. Remember to bask in the sun at ordinary times, and ask yourself to bask in the sun for at least 15 to 30 minutes a day.

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As for how to bask in the sun to be effective? Qiu Zhenghong emphasized that those who receive direct sunlight are called sun exposure, especially the sun at noon, absorbing UVB ultraviolet rays (which will make the skin red and hot) can stimulate and increase the production of vitamin D; if you are sitting by the window, there is light Those that come in are not called basking in the sun. Absorbing this kind of UVA ultraviolet rays that are less blocked by glass is easy to cause wrinkles and spots, but it will make you age and you will not be able to obtain vitamin D.

Pure walking is not exercise!Adjusting “this walking method” can also increase muscle strength

Some studies have shown that as long as the muscle mass increases over the age of 55, the mortality rate will decrease. However, American studies have pointed out that less than 1/10 of the people over the age of 65 are actually training muscle mass. Qiu Zhenghong said that some people usually go out for a walk. Although walking is good, walking is not considered exercise, but an activity. The so-called exercise is to increase muscle strength and have a weight-bearing effect.

If you want to use walking as exercise, Qiu Zhenghong suggested to find a place with a slope for walking, so that the muscles will be strong; you can also use dumbbells that can adjust the weight to exercise at home, or go cycling to increase muscle mass and reduce mortality.

See more: Fast walking and jogging on slopes can reduce fat!This kind of exercise is the most effective for burning fat 3 days a week and 20 minutes a day

◎ Consulting experts / Dr. Qiu Zhenghong

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