Lőrinc Mészáros’s Daughter Embarks on a New Journey in IT Amidst Construction Growth

Lőrinc Mészáros is not yet in danger that his daughter will have a bigger network of companies than the billionaire from Felcút, but Beatrix Mészáros’s businesses are also growing nicely. According to public databases, Finicro Informatikai és Szolgáltató Kft. has been owned by mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. since July 30, and this Hatvany-based company belongs to the daughter of Lőrinc Mészáros.

Finicro is not the world’s largest company, but it has been around since 1995 and is stably profitable. Last year, they had a turnover of HUF 254.7 million, of which HUF 29.3 million was a profit. Before Beatrix, Mészáros belonged to Global Spectrum Invest Zrt., so the deal may have something to do with the fact that in the summer the Mészáros Group acquired sole control over Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. through the Status Next Environmental Private Equity Fund.

Lőrinc Mészáros also cares about his family
Photo: MTI

The acquisition of Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. was big business, but so far it has not been too far from Lőrinc Mészáros. Transparent, for example he wrote that In 2021, that in the spring of 2020 the Mészáros Group “sniffed out” Envirotis Holding Zrt., which is dominant in the industrial waste management business. However, the deal did not prove to be permanent: Status Next was sold to Envirotis Holding after just one year, which was transferred to Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. in April 2021. Until now, the owner of Global Spectrum was Tamás Halmi, who, according to the article, was referred to by the detractors as Lőrinc Mészáros Stróman, but for a long time it seemed that he apparently severed all business relations with the Prime Minister’s friend. It is a fact that he previously held management positions in several top companies.

And through Envirotis Holding, a huge network of companies actually came back to the Mészáros Group: many waste handlers, but for example TERRA-LOG Mélyépító Kft., with a turnover of HUF 14 billion, again became the full interest of Felcsúti. Finicro could also have been part of this package, which in turn ended up with mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt., which belongs to Mészáros Beatrix.

This is already a big company, it was founded in the fall of 2022, the daughter of Lőrinc Mészáros is the only shareholder, and last year the turnover level of 1.1 billion forints was already reached, which, however, has only turned into a profit of about 70 million forints.

We offer a wide range of IT services to our existing and new customers. Our services cover almost all industries. With our portfolio ranging from IT consulting to application development and integrated project delivery, we help you cope with the challenges of IT

confesses about himself the company. The references also include agriculture, the construction industry and the energy sector, so it can be assumed that the company primarily works for the enterprises of Lőrinc Mészáros. This is typical of the Mészáros empire: if possible, everything is solved in-house. For example, the hotels of the billionaire in Felcsút were renovated by the construction companies of Lőrinc Mészáros. Thus, what is an expense for one company is income for another Mészáros company.

Beatrix Mészáros was recently named the eighth most influential Hungarian woman by Forbes. Their description according to in recent years, the daughter of the richest Hungarian, Lőrinc Mészáros, got rid of a number of former supervisory board and board members. At the same time, he is also responsible for the subsidiaries of his father’s recently established gigabank, Magyar Bankholding, such as Euroleasing Zrt., which acquired the superyacht Rose d’Or. In our last article about him, we wrote that he became the sole shareholder of F-Építő Generál Zrt. on June 1.

Here are​ some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the ‌topic “The Rise of Beatrix Mészáros: Lőrinc Mészáros’s Daughter Builds Her Business Empire”:

The Rise of Beatrix Mészáros: Lőrinc Mészáros’s Daughter Builds Her Business⁢ Empire

Lőrinc Mészáros, the billionaire from Felcsút, may not be in danger ​of being overtaken by his daughter Beatrix just yet, but her businesses are growing at an ‌impressive pace. According to public databases, Finicro Informatikai és Szolgáltató Kft., a stable and profitable company since 1995, has been owned by mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató‌ Zrt. since July 30. This Hatvany-based company belongs to Beatrix⁤ Mészáros, daughter of Lőrinc Mészáros.

Finicro: A Small but Significant Acquisition

Finicro may not be a giant in the business world, but it has a steady profit record. Last year, the company had a turnover ‌of HUF 254.7 million, with a profit of HUF⁣ 29.3 million. ‍Before‌ Beatrix Mészáros acquired Finicro, it belonged to Global Spectrum ⁤Invest Zrt. The acquisition may be related ⁢to the⁢ Mészáros Group’s recent gain of sole control over Global Spectrum Invest ‌Zrt. through the Status Next Environmental Private Equity Fund.

The Mészáros Group’s Expanding Empire

The Mészáros Group’s⁢ acquisition of Global Spectrum Invest ⁣Zrt. was a significant move, but it’s not the only⁢ one. In 2020, ⁢the group “sniffed out” Envirotis Holding Zrt., a ⁣dominant player in industrial waste management. Although the deal didn’t last ⁣long, Envirotis Holding was ⁤later transferred to Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. in April 2021. This move brought a large network of companies back under‌ the Mészáros Group’s control, including waste handlers and TERRA-LOG Mélyépító ‌Kft., with a turnover⁣ of HUF 14 billion.

mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt.: A Rapidly Growing Company

mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. ​is a rapidly growing company, founded in ⁤the fall ⁣of 2022. As the only shareholder, Beatrix Mészáros has⁤ played a significant role in the company’s development. Last year, the company reached a turnover ‍level of 1.1 billion forints, although‌ the profit⁢ was relatively modest ​at around 70 million forints. mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. offers a wide range of ​IT services to its customers, covering almost all industries,⁢ including agriculture, construction, and energy. This is typical of⁤ the Mészáros empire, where everything is solved in-house whenever possible. For example, the hotels of Lőrinc Mészáros in Felcsút were renovated by his ⁤own‌ construction companies.

Beatrix Mészáros: A Rising Star in Hungarian Business

Beatrix Mészáros was recently named ⁣the eighth most influential Hungarian woman by Forbes. ‌Her growing business empire, along with her father’s⁣ vast ‍network of companies, is ⁤a testament to her rising status in the Hungarian business world.

Other Beatrix Mészáros

It’s worth noting that there are other individuals with the same name who are not ‍related to Lőrinc ‌Mészáros. ⁣For example, a ⁤Beatrix Meszaros ⁣is listed on Facebook as living in Satul Nou, ‍Romania [[1]]. Another Beatrix‍ Meszaros is found on Instagram with 742 posts [[2]]. Additionally, a Beatrix‌ Meszaros is​ a Co-Deputy CEO at Mkb Bank Zrt., with a profile on Bloomberg [[3]]. These individuals are not ⁤connected to Lőrinc Mészáros or his business empire.

Beatrix Mészáros, daughter of Lőrinc Mészáros, is building a business empire of her own, with mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. and Finicro Informatikai és Szolgáltató Kft. being notable additions to her portfolio. As she continues to grow her businesses

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) related questions for the title **The Rise of Beatrix Mészáros: A New Force in the Mészáros Empire**:

The Rise of Beatrix Mészáros: A New Force in the Mészáros Empire

Lőrinc Mészáros, the billionaire from Felcsút, may not be in danger of being surpassed by his daughter, Beatrix Mészáros, but her businesses are certainly growing rapidly. According to public databases, Finicro Informatikai és Szolgáltató Kft., a company that has been around since 1995 and is stably profitable, has been owned by mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. since July 30, and this Hatvany-based company belongs to Beatrix Mészáros [[1]].

Beatrix Mészáros is not a new player in the business world. She is the daughter of Lőrinc Mészáros, a prominent businessman and close friend of the Hungarian Prime Minister. She has been involved in the family business for some time, and her latest venture, mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt., is a significant addition to the Mészáros empire.

mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. was founded in the fall of 2022, and Beatrix Mészáros is the only shareholder. Last year, the company reached a turnover level of 1.1 billion forints, with a profit of about 70 million forints [[1]]. The company offers a wide range of IT services to its customers, covering almost all industries, including agriculture, construction, and energy [[3]].

The acquisition of Finicro Informatikai és Szolgáltató Kft. by mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. is significant, as it marks a further expansion of the Mészáros Group’s influence. Finicro has been around since 1995 and has a stable profit record, with a turnover of HUF 254.7 million and a profit of HUF 29.3 million last year [[1]].

The deal may have something to do with the fact that in the summer, the Mészáros Group acquired sole control over Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. through the Status Next Environmental Private Equity Fund. Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. was previously owned by Tamás Halmi, who was referred to as Lőrinc Mészáros’ Stróman by detractors [[2]].

The Mészáros Group’s acquisition of Global Spectrum Invest Zrt. was a significant business move, as it gave the group control over a huge network of companies, including waste handlers and construction companies like TERRA-LOG Mélyépító Kft., which has a turnover of HUF 14 billion [[1]].

Beatrix Mészáros’s rise to prominence in the business world is not surprising, given her family background and her involvement in the family business. She has a degree in international relations from the Budapest Business School [[2]], and has worked as a freelance digital marketing and AI marketing consultant and trainer, based in London [[1]].

The Mészáros empire is known for its vertically integrated business model, where everything is solved in-house. The hotels of the billionaire in Hungary, for example, are managed by his own companies [[3]]. Beatrix Mészáros’s businesses, including mBit Technologíai Szolgáltató Zrt. and Finicro Informatikai és Szolgált



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