Loreto Aravena confirmed in court that she asked her partner to obtain a report with complaints against López | TV and Show

Loreto Aravena asked Max Luksin to intercede to obtain the report that contained accusations once morest Nicolás López before it was published in ‘El Sabado’.

Prior to knowing the results of the sentence of Nicolás López, the media La Tercera, published a report in which several of the tests that led him to prison are revealed. Between them, an audio revealed that Loreto Aravena would have intervened with the intention that López read the report in which he would be accused before being published on Saturday’.

It is would be key pieces of the case. Which concluded in a sentence for crimes of sexual abuse. The filmmaker was sentenced to 5 years and one day in prison.

To this is added that will be prohibited from approaching the victims for the years that the sentence lasts and in addition, he was permanently disqualified from public positions and offices of political rights.

And it is that during the trial, Aravena admitted asking her partner, Max Luksic, to get the report of Saturday Magazine before they published it.

The audio of Loreto Aravena with the Prosecutor Lorena Parra in question, says the following:

Prosecutor: And there you ask Nicolás López. Did they let you read the interview? That is what you write to him. It is not true?

Aravena: Yes.

Prosecutor: And a little further down, on the same date, 6/26/2018, at 10:31 p.m., you send a message to Mr. López. It is also marked with yellow.

Aravena: Yes.

Prosecutor: Can you recognize him?

Aravena: Yes.

Prosecutor: Your phone appears and it appears deleted. And there he tells her: “If it arrives on Thursday, I’ll send it to you. I asked Max to get it.” Is that Max the executive director of Channel 13?

Aravena: Yes.

That’s how it states Third.

Other key revelations

Other key pieces of evidence apart from the Loreto registry have to do with conversations that López had with the actresses Paz Bascuñan and Ignacia Allamand by chat.

Besides, The statements made by the psychologist María Isabel Salinas for the prosecutor’s office were also important.who commented on the defendant’s pattern of conduct.

“These were women who related to Nicolás López because of the role he played in the industry and for no other reason. None declares having received an offer to exchange sex for a role. He contacts all of them through social networks, except the minor, therefore, he chooses themSalinas said.

“That’s what I mean by this, therefore, he chooses them,” he reaffirmed.



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