López Obrador Warns Against Halting Conversations on Judicial Reform: A Critical Misstep

López Obrador Warns Against Halting Conversations on Judicial Reform: A Critical Misstep

MEXICO CITY.— This Friday, during his usual morning press conference, the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorsaid that It would be an aberrationa flagrant violation of the Constitution and an interference in the separation of powers, if the ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) halt the legislative process of reform to the Mexican Judicial Branch in the Congress of the Union.

“There is no legal basis for them. It would be an aberration and, of course, a flagrant violation of the Constitution to stop the process of analysis, discussion and, if necessary, approval of the constitutional reform dedicated to the Judiciary,” he said during his daily press conference at the National Palace.

The Mexican president’s statements come after the chief justice of the Mexican Supreme Court, Norma Piña, put up for discussion whether the High Court could suspend the discussion process of the reform in Congress that promotes the election of judges by popular vote.

“The Full Court is consulted on the possibility that the Presidency of this High Court, when hearing a matter (…) may rule on the admissibility of the precautionary measure(s) to be invoked,” the agreement reads.

The matter, driven by the National Association of Circuit Judges y District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (Jufed), which represents more than 1,200 judges and is part of the strike by judiciary workers For more than two weeks, Piña has been handing him over to the Minister Lenia Batresappointed directly by President López Obrador and who has spoken out in favor of this legal change.

However, the Mexican president pointed out that interrupting the process that is taking place in the Mexican Senate, after the approval of the ‘supermajority’ of the official blocof more than two thirds of the seats, would be “like opt for the law of the jungle“and that “would affect what should be a genuine rule of law.”

“It would be like opting for the law of the jungle, making it clear that they do not care about democracy and justice, that they only think about their own interests, with their privileges, and that they are supporters of corruption,” he added.

Faculty of the Executive Branch

López Obrador recalled that the head of the Executive Branch has the constitutional power to present reform initiatives to the Legislative Branch in both chambers of the Mexican Congress for analysis.

“And the one who approves or disapproves this project (of reform), this initiative, is the Legislative Power, it cannot be done by the Judicial Power, that is not its function, it would be a crude interference, more than an outburst, I do not believe that it will prosper for that reason,” he said.

Message to the senators

He also asked the legislators of the Upper House to act with respect, independence and freedom, despite pressure from “the interests of the country’s corrupt minorities.”

“I would like to respectfully address the senators so that they act independently, freely, and put personal and partisan interests before the interests of the people and the interests of the nation. It is not in Mexico’s interest to maintain a judiciary that is subject to crime,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, the senators have agreed to move their main headquarters to the old one Xicoténcatl mansionin the center of the Mexican capital, due to protests by workers in the Judicial Branch, while preparations are being made to vote next week on the reform to elect judges, magistrates and ministers and the creation of a body to evaluate the decisions of each judge.

Warnings from multilateral organizations

The discussion of this reform also occurs amid warnings from multilateral organizations such as the United Nationsbusiness like the International Chamber of Commerce, American Societyamong other financial and rating entities such as Fitch Ratings, Citibanamex, Stanley MorganUBS, as well as the embassies in Mexico, the United States and Canada.

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2024-09-17 03:07:54

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Uses of the



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